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For You

A Love Story of Thieves and Heartbreakers

By Mensur HamzabegovićPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Photo taken by Mensur Hamzabegovic at the Phoenix Art Museum, 2017.

The yellow lines on the highway sped by in a blur, and we flew through the night, and we felt free. But we weren't, and we knew it. We were running away from something and running away was never the path to freedom. I thought about telling John to turn back. I thought about suggesting to undo what we had done. I looked at him, only seeing his face when lights from passing cars lit up his strong features. His sharp jawline. His full lips. His thick eyebrows and long eyelashes. The little wave his hair made above his forehead. He was focused on the road. I wish I could tell what was going through his head. How he was feeling. The pain in his chest and it's severity. I reached out to touch his hand as he started to cry. I knew what we had just done was a life changing decision. I could tell he was heartbroken by the silent sobs escaping in the dark. Whimpers and gasps of sadness. Maybe even delight. We were still wearing our tuxedos. Mine, a navy blue. His, white like the roses at the reception. He was still wearing his engagement ring. Traditionally a ring for a woman, but after planning the wedding for two years, it was decided John would wear the diamond and his fiance would wear the ring meant for the male of the occasion. I started to wonder why he hadn't taken it off yet. He had plenty of time when I voiced my opinion at the aisle. Breaking the silence after the father said, "...or forever hold your peace." Plenty more time as we ran away from his family and family-in-law to be. So why was it still wrapped around the finger that lead to the heart. Was there an ounce of regret I didn't feel but he did? Did he still love her? His girlfriend of eight years and fiance of two? No. He left her at the altar. He stopped loving her four years ago when he met me. So why is he still wearing it? I didn't ask, because it didn't seem like the right time. So I tried to distract myself with the stars above us. I concentrated hard and tried to make out any constellations. The first one I discovered was Orion. I then focused on each individual star. Starting with Beetlejuice. One of the stars on Orion's belt. When I felt a tap on my shoulder bring me back to Earth. Back to the Oregon forest we were traveling through. John wasn't looking at me, but moved his hand from my shoulder to my lap. His hand curled up like he was carrying water. John's hand unfurled like a rose blossoming in the spring. A white and golden rock attached to a platinum ring was sitting on his palm. "For you," he said. I hesitated but picked up the expensive gift. I held the precious gem meant for another. It wasn't as heavy as the feeling I got thinking about what we had done. I have stolen another's lover, I was a thief. I was selfish. But, on the other hand, I was madly in love. And John was madly in love with me. The second he got engaged, he saw the perfect opportunity to escape what he thought he wanted to actually be with his soulmate. Me. The one. His other half, split from him when Zeus believed humans were too powerful. Whether we were on the path to paradise or damnation, I'm glad it's with him. I rolled down my window, allowing the cold air to chill our skin and bones and tossed the key that had opened the last door in the way of John's happiness. We had a bright future ahead of us. Little did I know that was just headlights heading right in our direction.


About the Creator

Mensur Hamzabegović

LGBTQIA • Bosnian • Writer • Photographer

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