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She's a Little Crazy

December 11, 2017

By Imani Renee Published 6 years ago 5 min read

" Hey wake up. wakey wakey... HEY get up!" I crack my eyes open and see the dark outline of what had to be Alison's head. I turn my head slightly to see my window cracked slightly.

What a creep, still love her though.

"What time.." my alarm went off. "WHY WOULD YOU WAKE ME UP A MINUTE BEFORE MY ALARM!" Alison chuckles and bounded over to my desk and sits down on top of it.

"Why does losing one minute of sleep bother you so much?" she chuckles. I roll my eyes then turn to lay staring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes trying to amass enough energy to get ready for school and inadvertently fall asleep. "You might wanna hurry up you've been napping for a good fifteen minutes there, leaving you...uh ten minutes to get ready and catch the bus." My eyes snap open and I jump out of bed an head to the bathroom in a panic.

"Golly Renee, you'd think you'd be more careful when it comes to things like this." Alison smirks before adding "Well there's tomorrow you can learn from today's mistakes." I snort because we both know no such thing is going to happen.

"You're right Alison, I can learn from my mistakes and set my alarm a minute early." I turn and smirk at her "Then get a friend who isn't creepy and sneaks through my window to watch me sleep."

"The whole letting you sleep again wasn't my fault I was talking to my boyfriend." I turn to her and we sit there for a few seconds before laughing.

"Please you're way to mean to get a boyfriend Al." I joke, but it really is true even the freshmen know better than to ask her out.

"I can be nice." I laugh, then stop myself hoping not to offend her in case she's serious. "I'm joking, kindness is for the weak Renee, remember that. Also you've left your stuff in your room."

"I know, I'm peeing first. Oh never mind my bladder magically forgot it was full now I can go get my stuff." I said turning back towards my room.

I gather all my stuff for the day and head down the hall for the bathroom. When I finished changing I opened the door and let her in. She begins to brush her hair stops then looks at my tangled mess of black and red then brushes mine.

"Thanks," I manage to say while brushing my teeth.

"Mhmm... you're paying me for this y'know," she says wrinkling her nose as she drags the brush through. "Why don't you ever buy the tangle free packs?" I roll my eyes and point to the trash can where you can see the hair packaging where on it large swirly print claims that the hair is tangle free. "Well then you should get your money back." she chuckles. She starts staring intently at the mirror her eyes flicking between her face and mine.

"We could pass as related if you were tawny too, you know that?" Of course I knew that, it's her favorite observation but each time she says it there is another off-color brown.While I have what she refers to as a mocha complexion. Her hair is shoulder length and a dark brown like mine, except I add colored hair because the normalcy of mine bores me after a while. We have relatively the same face structure. Although her's are thinner than mine. We both are what we like to call the awkward stage between skinny and slightly chubby.

"Why are you the way you are Al?"

"Uhh says the girl who talks to her freaking dog, oh and you'll just be staring off into the distance and then laugh hysterically." She grabs my makeup basket and shoves it in my arms raising her eyebrow at me while scanning my face.

"I don't have time for that I.. well we gotta run in three minutes Al."

"You're always late to the bus Renee its not that hard," she said, snatching the basket out of my hand causing everything to fall on the floor. She sighs and began to pick everything up.

"It's not important." Alison glares at me then rolls her eyes then resumed putting things in their place. "It's true me running late causes me to run to the bus stop, which wakes me up, which means... I'm more likely to pay attention in class." I reason.

"Please Renee, we both know being alert has nothing to do with your attention span." I walk out the bathroom door and then turn and stick my tongue out at her.

"True, but how does it go? Believing is achieving, so if I believe it'll help me then I can achieve ultimate alertness."

"Cute but no, it's seeing is believing and from what I see your little plan will never work." she huffs.

"Harsh, some friend you are. " I laugh, then turn my head to the end of the hall towards a tinkling sound, my dog Mimi has finally woken up and began dancing around whining, begging to be put out so she can pee. I began walking towards her.

"Mmm don't have time for that dear." Alison sings while she hops down the stairs to the front door grabbing her backpack from the front door and goes outside. My mother shuffles out of her room in her robe, eyes squinted with sleep.

"Morning honey," she reaches over and hugs me then leans down to pet Mimi.

"Hi mom, gotta rush see you later." my mom smiles and nods her head and watches me exit the door. I go out to find Alison half way to the bus stop and the bus coming down the road.

Time to wake up, I sigh after the thought then began sprinting.

"HEY AL...AFTER SCHOOL..!" I screamed after her as I ran.

"WHAT!"she yelled without looking back.


I finally made it onto the bus to the seat where Alison sat still huffing. She turns toward me with a smile wide as Cheshire's "Did you call me blind... when I couldn't hear you?"

"Oh shut up I'm tired and you know I'm allergic to exercise." Alison starts tearing up. "Also I thought you couldn't hear me."

"A..ller..gic to .. exercise," she huffs out tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggles to breathe. "I could hear you but what was a quicker answer."

~End of Chapter 1~


About the Creator

Imani Renee

Author of Shattered Vase a poem collection book.

My desire to write stems from the lack of representation in books. Reading was always my escape as a kid but it took forever to find a book with a poc as a main character.

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