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The Key to a Successful Polyamorous Relationship

I asked some polyamorous couples (or not couples...) what they think is the key to a happy non-monogamous relationship

By Ayshen IrfanPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Polyamorous relationships are valid.

Being in a non-monogamous relationship can be more challenging than one with just two people, especially at first as the dynamics are totally different. Although super exciting and a great experience, here are some tips for people who are new (or old!) to the world of non-monogamy.



I think it is vital to always talk about any concerns you have but talk about it to everyone, never just one person. Open communication is so key, probably even more so than in a monogamous relationship. Also, there is a chance that you may be closer to one person than the other and I think if that is the case you really need to explore and expand on your relationship so it can blossom to be just as close and no one feels left out. Lastly, we each take turns to plan a date especially catered for one person's interests so we can make someone really happy and also get involved in something they enjoy. It is a great bonding experience and always makes them feel really cared for.

Throuple Power

@Throuplepower are another closed triad.

My number one piece of advice is you have to communicate. Communication is key to a healthy and successful polya relationship. If you have an issue or a concern with something or someone then speak up! Or else no one will know and it will eat you up inside. Talk. It. Out.

Polyamorous Pride

My biggest piece of advice I can give is to be open, trusting, and communicative. No relationship can work without those elements, and when you’re in an open relationship you have to trust your partners even more and learn to be open about your feelings, especially if you feel jealous of another partner or anxious that your partner might be playing favorites. A majority of problems in a relationship can be prevented through open, honest communication, and the sooner people put that into practice the better (@polyamouruspride).

Un-official Mutual

@un-official-mutual is the other female in our triad

I think maybe some people just don't have the capacity to not get jealous. But for people like us, I would say that love is the most amazing feeling, and only gets better when you can love more than one person, while being loved by more than one person.

Poly Pauly


I have lots of tips but my main piece of advice is communication. I can never stress enough how important communication is in any relationship. Especially in non-monogamous relationships. Never make assumptions about your partner(s) and their feelings and opinions. Good or bad. No matter how well you know them, continue to communicate with them and express your own thoughts and feelings too! Because at the end of the day, none of you can read minds but you can always talk to them.

Poly Amma

Don't expect too much from yourself and COMMUNICATE. A lot of people walk into polyamory thinking that once they've made the decision to be polyamorous, or come to the realization that they have always been polyamorous, they think that jealousy isn't going to be an issue ever again. They think that everything will fall into place with no real effort.... And that's where communication comes in. Holy shit, you have to talk. A lot. To everyone. About everything. Jealous? Talk it out. Going to stay over at a paramour's place? Make sure your nesting partner knows. Considering fluid bonding with a paramour? Make sure ALL your partners know. (@polyamma)

Pondering Poly


There are as many ways to relationship as there are people, and there's no right way to be polyamorous. What you think you want now and where you find yourself will likely be two different places. Be ready to work through the baggage you bring to the table, and to work on yourself. Healthy relationships take a lot of time, effort, and intention, while giving you an opportunity live a life abundant in love.


About the Creator

Ayshen Irfan

Blog about being non-monogamous and easy depression meals!

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