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10 Subtle Signs of a Cheater (Or a Guy Who Has Lost Interest)

The Clues We Miss

By Tiny BellaPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Life falls into a new ruin, a crunching, sinking feeling when you've discovered that the one you've trusted failed to value you. When honesty is no more in a relationship, love can be defeated. I have written some brief ways to help one identify some subtle clues that may hint to a liar/cheater in a relationship or when someone has lost interest.

1. You hear the words "I don't want to hurt you."

A subtle clue, but if the person you're with starts exhibiting behavior from the usual norm, and hits you with this line, pay attention. I was presented with this line shortly after choosing to finally let go with this person I've been with for three years.

A year later and he was caught sticky handed, and I never did forget the "I don't want to hurt you" line over Skype after he abruptly had to leave our conversation.

2. You notice late night "online" statuses.

If you guys usually WhatsApp, Hangouts, or Skype often but suddenly it stops, and you log on and instead of talking to you, he's online with other people that's a huge sign. I mean, I don't want to create a wave of paranoia here but I speak from experience. The late night online activities aren't always "business."

3. You see a change in behavior.

If this person used to call you, and the calls are down to a minimum, if he gets moody and avoids hanging out with you much, just pay attention.

4. You're told to "live in the now."

If the conversation suddenly goes from future plans of moving in to a more "live in the now" type of talk and the "circumstances" doesn't call for talks for the future, then take a hint. It could be that he feels pressured to discuss talks with you and he doesn't see you or wants you in his future.

5. You're only seen when it is convenient.

If he only wants to see you in a situation where it calls for one stone to kill two birds, be very wary. You're no longer a priority, and more of a stop along the way. It could be that he's scheduling his precious time for someone he has more interest in.

6. He disappears.

The phone won't pick up, there are absolutely no answers. And when asked he is quick to be defensive and short when asked where he went, then it's a sure sign he's becoming uncomfortable. If he no longer shares with you where he's going or what he's up to, he doesn't want you to know what is going on.

7. He has a meeting with a brethren.

A brethren could count for both male and female in my Caribbean culture. So, I later learned that his meetings or consult with a brethren in Jamaica was actually code for a date with a female. During those times I was at work but I now know that "brethren" is a deflector to make it seem like he's meeting up with a guy friend.

8. Keeping a count of his protection.

Embarrassingly, when a gentleman is keeping count of his condoms, and calls you in the middle of the night asking how many you guys had used, is a total sign.

9. He cancels calls that come up on his phone.

Simple, he will not be taking his private girlfriend calls with you around. So if you're snuggled on the couch with him, and all of a sudden he's cancelled a particular call but if his mom or guy friend calls and he takes that one, keep your eyes opened.

10. Not keeping track of his conversation.

If his conversations are mixed up by thinking he told you something private and of importance in either a call or text but you swear blind he didn't. You never had that conservation with him. He's having conversations with someone else. And just to prove this, by the time I found out who he was cheating on me with, her Facebook posts had similar stuff he would forward and share with me, like "Honey, I miss you" type of memes. I mean the same thing.

Keep in mind there are lots more, especially the word "babe," to not have him mix up names. But anyway these are some ones that I failed to acknowledge. All the best.


About the Creator

Tiny Bella

A reader, Caribbean food lover, lover of animals, anime and hard rock music

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