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21 Surefire Signs That You Found Your Soulmate...So Look No Further!

Recognize the proven signs of a soulmate connection by experts around the world!

By Silena Le BeauPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

According to relationship therapists, identify your soulmate with these proven signs. There are dozens of significant signs that will let you know when he or she is the one for you.

The concept of finding a soulmate has been tossed around for years. But what exactly is a soulmate, anyway?

A soulmate is defined as a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

A soulmate is someone that just gets you. It's a connection of minds, an evenly mutual respect, and unconditional love with complete understanding. It's about being yourself and knowing and understanding that they are there with you, right by your side, ready to ride the wave of love 'til the wheels fall off.

Clarity Of A Soulmate Connection

Knowing that you've found the right person may not always be clear... Many couples often come from different backgrounds and even have different tastes, but one things for sure, being on the same page about what really matters in life is crucial.

The idea on the far side of it is simple: there’s someone out there who is perfectly suited for you and only you. While the idea of finding the one is romantic, it's just not realistic.

Having similar values and goals helps couples find clarity about creating a life together, it’s also undoubtedly one of those things that matter in the long run.

Certainly, it’s not always going to be peaches and cream, but if they add value to your life overall as a whole, you my friend have got a great thing.

Here are the 21 signs you've found your soulmate.

  1. You just know it.
  2. You have an intense intuition.
  3. You feel like you've known them for years.
  4. You're best friends.
  5. There's mutual respect.
  6. You have crossed paths before.
  7. You both feel the connection instantly.
  8. You're comfortable being authentic.
  9. Your quiet space is a peaceful place.
  10. You can hear the other person's silent thoughts.
  11. You fight for the relationship
  12. You trust him, and vice versa.
  13. You feel each other's pain.
  14. You support one another and take on obstacles together.
  15. You know each other's flaws and the benefits in them.
  16. You have a shared vision of the future.
  17. You challenge each other.
  18. You want to start a family with them.
  19. You can be apart, but prefer being together.
  20. You can see yourself marrying each other.
  21. No matter how long you go without seeing each other, things never change.

The Connection Is Strong From The Beginning

The most important thing is that you connect on every level possible; emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually, spiritually, and intellectually. Consequently your souls are connected. You can hear and feel what they are thinking before it is even expressed verbally. You know exactly how their day was the moment you see them.

There are times when you frequently find yourself feeling amazed by them, wondering how you got so lucky.

In fact, you always bring out the best in each other. You aren’t afraid to challenge them because you know how much they are capable of. You only want what is best and won’t hesitate to give them the little push that they sometimes need.

You are no doubt their number one fan, and they are yours. The support and encouragement you give to each other is immeasurable, and you know they are always in your corner.

You have deep love and sincere respect for each other. Even when you disagree, you handle conflict without being cruel or brash.

You understand eachother’s emotions in a way you’ve never experienced before. You both know how to respond when the other is feeling sad, angry, or even happy. Communication is never an issue and you aren’t afraid to have even the tough conversations.

They are the one you call when you're feeling down. You are partners on crime and truly best friends. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable. You’ve seen each other at your absolute worst, and it only makes you love them that much more.

Feeling emotionally connected is an essential part of a healthy relationship and a successful union.


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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