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Arya's Song: Prologue

Sometimes love is confusing.

By Crystal NicolePublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Ronaldo Oliveira on Unsplash

Arya's Song: Prologue


The thing people don’t realize about my relationship with Arya Tawni Smith is that I love her for who she is, not what society wants her to be.

According to everyone else, Arya is overweight. I don’t see that when I look at her. I see her big, beautiful sea green eyes, the way her long, curly, auburn brown hair envelops her sultry face drives me crazy. I can’t help but run my fingers through it every time I lean in to kiss her. Arya has these amazing pouting lips that I absolutely have to kiss every single chance I get. Then there is her body. Again, others say she is bigger. I don’t see that. She might weigh about 250 pounds, but to me, I see a magnificent, porcelain-toned, curvy and full-figured woman who looks like an Amazonian warrior and not all skin and bones. Arya is about five foot nine, but I am still taller than her.

My friend Kyle always asks me, “Cory, what in the world could you possibly see in a girl like that?”

I never laugh it off. In fact, I look him straight in the eyes and tell him, “ Kyle, you are crazy not to see what I see.”

This particular day, he wouldn’t give up. He combed his fingers through his jet black hair. “You could have any girl you want! You’re not only on the football team, but you’re so popular even the teachers want a piece of you! But what do you do? You pick fat Arya!”

I stood up. “Don’t call her fat! She is beautiful and smart.”

Kyle just rolled his cold, gray eyes as he normally did when I would speak up. “Who needs to be smart when you are a walking sex God?”

“You think you’re a sex God?” I laughed at this. Kyle might have gone further than I have with a girl, but he was certainly no sex God.

As usual, he walked out. That was the last time I planned on speaking to him. There was no reason to keep that kind of scumbag in my life. Especially when all I needed was Arya.


The next day was the beginning of winter break. I had planned on taking Arya out for dinner. As the day wore on, I was getting more and more nervous.

My golden brown hair was starting to get hard to manage. My normal spiked hair look would not hold. However, Arya loved my hair at the length it was. She claimed it brought out the golden tint in my light brown eyes.

I dressed casual and loved the way my red button up shirt looked against my tan and muscular skin. My black slacks were starting to get small on me. I had grown from five foot ten to six foot three almost overnight. I loved being tall though and with my build, it was easy to pick Arya up and hold her in my arms.

Seven o’clock finally arrived, I got in my dad’s Cadillac and drove to pick her up. I never could figure out why I was always so nervous around her. She was a gentle, sweet, and caring soul. We had been dating ever since she moved in a couple streets over. I still got shivers and an overwhelming sense of love every time I looked at her.

Arya was waiting outside as usual when I arrived. Her dark, auburn curls were pulled into a side braid that looked very elegant on her. Her light skin looked so seductive against the emerald green dress she was wearing. I was amazed that anyone could wear a sundress during December in Georgia. It did seem pretty cold.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” I teased, drinking in her vast beauty. I knew I could spend all day looking at her and kissing her face all over.

“You think?” she blushed, which looked so intoxicating on those porcelain cheeks.

I grabbed for her and picked her up in my arms, kissing her forehead gently. “Of course you do. You look beautiful to me in just about anything you wear.”

“So what would I look like to you if I weren’t wearing anything,” she teased.

Now I was the one blushing. That was one of the things I adored about Arya. She was able to remain sweet and innocent, yet still, find ways to tease me and turn me on.

Turning my attraction for her off was impossible and she knew that. Even though others referred to her as ‘fat ass Arya,’ she still had a unique confidence in her.

Dinner went amazingly. Arya and I talked about the future and our plans for college. We were both seventeen and looking forward to what lay in store. I planned on spending the rest of my life with her. I had only known her for six months, but those six months flew by, and I found myself dreaming of her more and more. I fell in love with her all over again every time I looked at her.

The thing with plans is, things don’t always work out the way we want them to. Sometimes the universe has a different intention for us. Little did I know that this night, this very special night, would be the last time I was able to look, touch, feel, kiss, caress, hold, and be with Arya.



About the Creator

Crystal Nicole

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