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Be Weird

Embrace your quirky side.

By Esther OPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

We're all unique and weird in our own way. I love that and I wouldn't have it any other way. If we were all the same, life would be pretty boring, don't you think? I read somewhere recently that said 'being called weird is like being called a limited edition, it means people don't see that often.' What people don't see often is usually, in their minds, "weird." We're often quick to judge if someone is different from us in our minds we perceive it as not normal. We're all perfectly unique which is an amazing thing.

I've always been called weird and I used to hate it but I've come to embrace it. I just decided to write about why everyone should embrace their weird and quirky side (we all have it). Don't stifle it and as the quote above in the image says: don't let anyone treat you like you're ordinary—because you're not.

1. Is there even such a thing as normal?

Like who gets to decide what the norm is? Everyone has their own definition of what normal is. My normal might be different from what you think normal is. So do you. Be you. Release your inner weirdo. Tap into your quirky side. Who wants to be normal anyway? It's pretty boring.

2. Your weirdness is your uniqueness.

We all have different personality traits and characteristics that make us who we are. They make us each unique and special in our own way. People may not understand it but don't be afraid to show it. What people think is weird about you is your POWER. Harness that power people. Master your quirks! You're awesome, let everyone know it.

3. Be authentic.

Don't stifle your weirdness in order to stop people from commenting on it. People always have something to say and if you listen to everything someone has to say or change yourself to fit other people's standards then you'll never truly be happy. You are who you are, so be real and let your weirdness shine through. Be your honest true self. Don't live your life a lie when you could be acting yourself and living your truth. Don't stay constricted in a box. Be different.

4. Stand out.

When you are weird, you stand out. Your weirdness makes you different from everyone and that's awesome. Don't conform to society's ideas of normal because you'll think you'll be lonely if you don't. Be true to yourself and you'll find amazing friends who'll love you for YOU. I was watching Riverdale on Netflix recently and the character Jughead said, "I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in. I don't want to fit in." I loved it because that's how it's supposed to be. Why fit in? Why not stand out? Dare to be different!!

5. Be original.

New ideas or first impressions always appear not to fit in, but as time passes, they find a purpose and a place to fit in. What is considered weird today might be seen as 'normal' tomorrow. So do you and be happy about it. There are so many things that are fake or all the same. There's something about originality that I love. Don't you get tired of unreal people or seeing the same kind of people all the time? When I meet original people I'm always in awe. They're so much more interesting and out of the ordinary. Ordinary is blah. Be original darlings.

Your WEIRDNESS is your MAGIC. Be weird, it's beautiful. 💙

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