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Boy and Girl Get Together

Boy and Girl Are Not Together Anymore and It Gets Worse

By Caroline NellPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

It started off like any other old story: Boy meets girl; girl meets boy when they are young teenagers through mutual friends. Over the course of five years, the boy and girl don't date, but are great friends. Once the boy and girl are both 21, the boy comes to where the girl goes to school, and they go out to nightclubs and drink together. It takes a few times before something happens, but when it does, it is incredible.

This boy, let's call him John and the girl Anna. Have the story that should set up a great relationship. But in 2018, defining "relationship" is as hard as finding a new show to watch on Netflix. John and Anna go to different universities and are both performing arts majors. Therefore, time is quite limited. They make do with what they can.

Summer rolls around, and since John and Anna grew up in the same area, they are no longer far apart from one another. Anna just moved into her one bedroom apartment and shortly soon after, John nicknames her bed the "marshmallow" because that is what it feels like. John and Anna quickly spend nights together and are growing closer.

Anna has always had trust issues, something that has caused tension and turmoil in other past relationships. When it comes to John having other friends that are female, that is not the biggest issue. What is the problem is when Anna is jealous of his best friend that he will spend a copious amount of time while giving a copious amount of affirmations through Instagram and Facebook posts. She tries not to let those things bother her, but they soon start to become a pain in her stomach, causing Anna to either get sick or be unable to eat anything.

What did not help the stressful situation is that John had a rough family life and he had to move away back to where he went to school. Anna helps him pack, and he goes up to school.

Once John is back where he goes to school, their communication starts to dwindle. His only responses after a while are predictable since there are only four responses total in his current vernacular. Anna doesn't feel like she is talking to a brick wall, but that a brick wall would be significantly easier to talk too than John. Someone that would generally send multiple emojis doesn't even send a text to ask how Anna is doing.

Anna goes up to where Jack lives, and they go on a walk. They manage to talk things out, and things seem to be normalish, more than it was a few days prior.

Doesn't take long for Jack to stop responding or initiating conversations. Jack and Anna were never able to define their long-winded journey of dates, movie nights, intimate moments, and being exclusive to one another. When out with Anna's parents and addressed, "Oh, is that the boyfriend?," Anna and John would stare in opposite directions with the "deer in the headlight" look. Jack and Anna never called one another "significant other," "partner," or "boyfriend"/"girlfriend" in any case.

So, why in the hell is it so hard for Anna to move past him? Why does she miss him so much? Why is it so hard for her to move past a sad boy who would rather work, sleep, and drink? Why does she tear herself apart over someone who doesn't bat an eye?

Anna has tried to move past because to be honest, it's not hard for Anna to get a date, in fact she goes on them all the time. Even with the best dressed southern gent with a nice savings account and perfect job for a stable future, she is wanting John. The boy in flannel, chacos, and a goofy smile on his face.

The fact of that matter is... she can't tell if she is missed. She can't tell if her energy, beauty, and self is missed by someone she gave so much too. It has been a while since she opened up to someone all the time but she did it. John seems perfectly fine everyday with the way his life is, through drinking, working, and sleeping. Anna has tried to reach out, but she is given one of the four answers all the time.

What could've been great is exactly what is gone. They came so close and as quickly as they began, they ended. That is why it gets worse, because everyday she is undoubtedly missing him all the time, and the chances that they were almost given. She hates feeling down because it seems like he would rather be with his best friend, or that he even talks to her more than Anna.

Anna knows she was stupid falling for him, she feels even more stupid missing him. And that is why, when Boy and Girl got together but now they are apart, it gets worst. And for a while, it is going to get worst everyday.


About the Creator

Caroline Nell

Your average millennial with a sagittarius complex

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