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Dear You

A Letter When You're Missing Her

By Bea MariePublished 6 years ago 2 min read

I miss you. All. The. Time.

I miss the way you made me feel like I was coming home whenever I saw you. I miss the way your hair looked after a good night's sleep. I miss how you would push up your glasses at the bridge of your nose with your pointer finger and how you would scrunch your nose when you did so.

Dear you, I miss the way your long, brown hair was everywhere. I used to think it was annoying to find your hair stuck in my clothes and my sheets. But now, it's all I have left of you.

Dear you, I miss the pile of your makeup on my bathroom counter when you stayed over. Sometimes, I still imagine you sitting on the countertop listening to your favorite playlist on Spotify. That's why it always took you so long to get ready—singing and dancing in the mirror.

Dear you, I miss the irritating way you knew every song on the radio and how you had to sing each song at the top of your lungs. I miss your crazy driving. You always needed to be going a little too fast. I miss how you used the steering wheel with one hand and mine in the other.

Dear you, I miss your annoying habit of taking long showers and how you'd have a private concert in the bathroom because "It has good acoustics." I swear, sometimes I can still hear you singing.

Dear you, I miss how you'd find a way to help my parents whenever you came over. I miss you telling your friends embarrassing stories of me. I used to hate that.

Dear you, I miss you being the first person I could run to when something good or bad happened to me. You were always there for me when my friends weren't. I miss you helping me even though my pride would get in the way of asking. You knew when I needed you the most. I miss talking to you every day. Sometimes, I check on you to make sure you're still doing okay, and you're happy.

Dear you, I miss the way your lips curled when you smiled. I miss all your terrible jokes and how you'd laugh at them, so I didn't have to. I swear I can still hear your laugh echoing down the halls of my house. I miss how dogs would make you cry tears of joy.

Dear you, I miss making you coffee in the morning. I miss your bright blue eyes staring back at me. I miss your feet on the dashboard of my car.

Dear you, I miss the person I was when I was with you. I miss the feeling you gave me. I miss how much you loved me and cared for me. I miss your touch.

Dear you, I don't know if I told you, but I miss you.


About the Creator

Bea Marie

20-something-year-old trying to find the humor in life. You can find me working at coffee shops and leafing through books at any store that has a book section. Real-life experiences are intertwined in every piece I write. Enjoy!

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