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Do Long Distance Relationships Really Last?

It depends.

By Aly CorderoPublished 7 years ago 4 min read
True Love Always Wins❤️

The answer, in my opinion, is it depends. When I say "it depends," I strongly believe that it depends on the two people. If you were to ask me three of four years ago if LDRs last, my answer would be a strong no. It's funny how over a period of time things change and a no becomes a yes.

Personal Experience

Well, you might ask, "How would you know?" I went through it and now I'm able to share my thoughts on long distance relationships. I have heard many stories in the past where long distance relationships don't last. So here's my story to share with you and to let you know that long distance relationships do work, you just have to put in work.

I moved to Guam in the beginning of 2015 for an internship. I met my boyfriend there and all was lovely. It was great and we had so much fun. Although there was a question that always hit us, "What happens next?" So what exactly happened next? What happened was I moved back to my city in August and exactly a year later he moved to my city.

In that year of being long distance so many ups and downs happened during our relationship that made us stronger as a couple. There's a sense of accomplishment being in a long distance relationship. It's a great feeling when one partner takes that leap and moves to a new city for their other half.

Sink or Swim

There will be many lonely nights spent in your room but just think about it, are you really alone? No. I never thought I was alone. I always knew that I have someone, they just happen to be on the other side of the world temporarily.

Communication. I can go on and on about how communication is key. Without it, you might as well not be in a long distance relationship. I was in constant communication with my boyfriend. Even if I knew he was sleeping, I still left him text messages to keep him in the loop of things. I never wanted him to know that I didn't want to talk to him.

There so much to say about long distance relationships. They're a struggle, but the end result is worth it and will definitely be a great story to share. I know I enjoy sharing my story with people who are interested in knowing about me. If you're reading this and you are in an LDR, just know that it's only temporary. Long distance relationships are definitely worth it if you put in the time for the person.

Tips and Tricks

So you might ask me, "Was there even anything good about being in a long distance relationship?" Well of course there is. It brought two people closer than ever. I'm gonna share with you what my boyfriend and I did to get through this distance.

1. Skype Dates

If there's one thing you should do, it's definitely Skype dates. My guy and I did all sorts of things together... through Skype. One of my favorite activities was watching a movie together.

See, I had the Netflix account so I created a profile for him and we played our movies at the exact same time so we could get the feel of being on an actual date together. Cheesy right? Good, because that how your relationship will last.

2. Never go to bed angry after a fight.

This is obviously something all couples should never do. And if you are in a LDR, don't ever do this. I'm gonna be honest, I was the one who usually starts the fight and I'm really stubborn so I would try to go to bed angry. But of course my phone was blowing up because my boyfriend would never let me go to sleep angry. For good reason too! I honestly don't know if we would still be together if he wasn't persistent like that.

3. Be in constant communication.

Don't be going crazy or something, but be consistent with keeping your significant other in the loop. What I would do is anything that happened to me, I would instantly text my boyfriend. It didn't matter if it was like 3am his time, I would still text him. That way he knows I like to tell him stuff and that it's an open relationship.

My list can go on and on but it really all stems down to communication. Without it, there wouldn't be a foundation to build from. So if you find yourself in a long distance relationship, don't look at the negatives. Look at what your future will be when your other half and yourself finally reunite.


About the Creator

Aly Cordero

I'm here to write whatever I'm thinking.

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