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Do Millennials Suck?

Or are they the best yet? Also WTF is Generation Z?

By Wade WilsonPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Millennials in their natural habitat, using phones and looking perplexed.

Do Millennials Suck?

A question that I've wondered and pondered for a while.

Google Millennials.

Do it.

If you do, you will immediately be bombarded with essentially yes or no arguments to this question.

"Millennials strive for perfectionism" -USA Today

"Millennials are screwed"-The Huffington Post

"Millennials want to be their own boss"-Forbes

"Millennials in the workforce, a generation of weakness"-After Skool

"Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation"

"The Millennials are Generation nice"-The New York Times

So which is correct?

Are they kinder, more progressive and enlightened, or are they lacking moral fiber, essentially lazy, little brats?

Well, we can know one thing for sure, they are different.

But first let's get some generation basics down.

Gen Z, IGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later. (Toddler internet access)

Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995. (Digital Technology,Weed)

Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976. (MTV, Kurt Cobain, lot of drugs)

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964. (After WWII, Lotta sex happened)

Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.(WWII, Great Depression)

A common misconception is that millennials are all young people. Turns out it's the ones between 41 and 23 which is a substantial disparity.

Generally the Generation X ages 53-42 are going to be the ones harping on Millennials.

Previously the Baby Boomers told Generation X they were a bunch of lazy, stinky hippies. Yet hippies protested war and promoted peace and love.

Does every generation naturally talk down to their predecessors or are millennials unique?

Millennials certainly live in a time that is drastically changing in so many ways faster than any other in human history.

However, is it possible that Gen X is simply envious?

Are they just jealous?

Millennials have privileges that their parents never had. Instant access to any information over the internet. Instant connection to a network of people and friends with social media. Jet planes, face-time, virtual reality, tinder dates, the list goes on and on.

Their lives are simply different, and nothing scares people like change and all things foreign.

They are diverse and inclusive, supporting recycling and immigration. They are arguably, due to societal changes, less racist, more progressive, open minded, and simply put, have more opportunity.


Average self-esteem is lower. Suicide and drug overdose rates are higher. Millennials are fatter, unhealthy and spend less time outdoors than any generation before. Their lives often simply aren't as good as they pretend that they are on Facebook for their 600 friends to see.

Perhaps Gen X has a point.

Maybe millennials aren't better.

Maybe millennials aren't worse.

As human animals we are a product of our environment, how our parents raised us and how the world around us is.

So what can millennials do?

Are we simply doomed to live unfulfilled lives filled with the late night glares of thousand-dollar cell phones as we watch a representation of the world from the palm of our hands instead of living it?

Well it is what you make of it.

If you spend your phone texting people but never setting up face to face conversations, you are isolating yourself.

If you set up a party and invite your friends, have a social gathering, you are taking advantage of the amazing tool that is social media.

Awareness is huge. Of what we have.Of the choices that we are making. That life is shades of grey (movie pun slightly intended) not black and white. As with many things in life there isn't a simple yes or no. Swipe left or right. Both sides have valid points. It's about perspective, and intent.

You can use modern technology and diversity to grow and learn at an accelerated rate and with an ease of access that your ancestors weren't privy to. Or to watch the Kardashians and complain on Twitter about whatever triggers you.

Or both. It is entirely up to you.



What do you think? Do Millenials suck?


About the Creator

Wade Wilson

Curiouser and curiouser

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