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A Story

By Bella HoeksemaPublished 6 years ago 19 min read

I’m the girl that goes unnoticed, day after day. The one you silently pass in the hallway every day, her head always down, clothes faded together like the scenery on a foggy morning. The girl no one ever bothers to wave or say hi to, and never hangs out with a group of friends in the hall. I’m the same girl that sits at Jerry’s Diner every night reading a book or writing in a notebook, always alone at the table, sipping on a tea or soda. Although no one notices me, I silently sit and watch others around me. I notice their emotions, and their body language. Sometimes, I can see their emotions, and see their thoughts. Maybe I’m just crazy, but that’s just another thing you wouldn’t notice.

The one older lady, I believe her name is Colleen, that comes with a different date almost every Friday, but Sunday she would come in and order a banana split, her eyes red and swollen like she had been crying all night. I notice her. Or the single dad that brings in his son; his son looked to be six or seven, but was really twelve. His head shiny and bare from the chemo treatment, his body frail, and his eyes surrounded by dark circles. Jaime was his name. He always came and said hello to me, for someone who was as sick you would never meet someone as happy as him.

“Hi, Adel!” I snapped my head up to the direction of my name and saw Jamie, and his father, walking towards me. I looked down and saw a puddle of drool on the table, I had fallen asleep. Jamie sat on the opposite side in the booth and let out a giggle. “Were you drooling?” I reached across and grabbed a few napkins and cleaned it up.

“I guess I decided to take a little nap.” He laughed at me and grabbed my textbook that was sitting at the end of the table. “L-i-t-e-r-a-t-u-r-e,” he attempted pronouncing it, but instead it came out like litter. “Like the litter my cat uses as the bathroom? Why are you reading a book about litter, Adel?” I laughed and just shook my head. Jamie’s dad gave me a smile and rubbed his son’s head.

“It says literature, Jamie, like writing poems and reading,” Jamie’s dad said in a tone of approval, and Jaime’s face quenched like he ate something sour.

“Ew, my teacher makes us read and write poems about our pets. It’s soooo boring!” Jamie used his hands just to show that he’d meant it, which earned him a laugh from both his dad and I.

“Well, we should get going. Jamie has a doctor appointment today. Thanks for visiting with us.”

“Aww, but Dad, I don’t like the doctors!” Jamie pouted and crossed his scrawny arms over his chest.

“It’s okay, Jay. Once you get better you won’t have to go so much. But for now, they’re trying to make you better!” Jamie walked around to my side of the booth and gave me a hug, then he and his dad walked out with their muffins and cocoas, and I was alone once again.

I lifted my coffee up to my lips and was disappointed as soon as the lukewarm substance touched my tongue. It was bitter and sweet, like all the sugar had sunk to the bottom of the cup. Lovely.

As I got up out of my booth and made my way to the counter my phone buzzed in my hoodie pocket, and trust me, I was surprised too. The only time I ever got a phone call was typically my dad ten times out of nine. Not paying attention to where I was going, I tripped, and what was left of my coffee was now staining someone’s khakis. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry, I swear it was an accident. I wi-"


My words were cut off as soon as I saw the victim of my carelessness. Tall, pale, hair going just below his earlobes, black as a raven feather, and icy blue eyes. It was the first time I’d ever seen this guy. He looked like a guy described out of all my books that I read. But it was weird; he seemed seventeen or eighteen, why haven’t I seen him in school before?

“Um, hello?” His voice sounded deep and soothing, but also sounded amused.

I snapped out of my trance and saw he was giving me a worried look. I looked down and saw my cup was on the floor, right along with any pride I had left. I sucked at giving good first impressions. I looked back up at him and saw he was waiting for a response.

“I accidently tripped and got some coffee on your pants, I’m sorry. Um, I’ll pay for your, food?” I pointed at the paper bag he had in his hand and fidgeted with my sleeves.

“No, that’s not necessary. It was just an accident. Besides, I already paid for it.” He smiled crookedly, and looked like he was holding back a fit of laughter. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared right at his face. For some reason, I couldn’t read his emotions.

“Well, I’m making up for it somehow. Your pants are ruined now.” I pointed at the back of his khakis and raised my eyebrows to show I was serious. This time he was the one that crossed his arms, one of his eyebrows went up as he thought for a second.

“Tell me your name.”

“What?” My face twisted into a confused expression. Was he serious?

“What’s your name?” This time his tone shifted to a more serious one.

“Adel. Everyone calls me Adel.” My body relaxed, I felt a tension that seemed out of place. Why did him asking my name feel weird? It isn’t like I haven’t told anyone my name before. He held out his hand to shake, and once I reached out to grab it with my own, the touch sent a shock through my body. He caught my hand before I was able to pull it back to my body, and lightly pressed his lips to the back of my wrist,

“Nice to meet you, Adelaide.” He gently let go of my hand and gave me a chilly smile.

My eyes widened, and I raised my eyes in confusion, “It’s Adel, how did you—”

“I’ll be back later for that favor you owe me.” Then he brushed past me, not saying anything else to me. Not another word.

“But how will you find me?“ As I turned, ready to give him my phone number, or even a last name (so he could find me later), he was already out the door, and gone. He had disappeared, like he was never there.

I shook my head and snatched my things from the booth I was sitting at. There was no way I was going to let this guy get to me. Feeling like a lunatic was the last thing I needed this year.

The wind was harsh on my skin on the way home that night. My white blond hair was whipping, and the trees were swaying back and forth as if they were trying to hit the ground. I had the prodding feeling that I was being followed. A mix of emotions fled through me, but that was when I realized they weren’t all mine. My feet began to feel heavy and my head slowly began throbbing, and little by little it was getting worse. I attempted quickening my pace but my feet wouldn’t do what I wanted. I turned my head across the street and I saw a dark figure standing there. It was a man by the way he was built, and he was facing me, just watching. Like he knew what I felt, like he knew what was happening to me. Like he was the one causing this. But he couldn’t be; there was no way he could be possibly doing this to me.

Then I felt it, what felt like my brain was exploding, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Next thing I knew, I was falling. My knees hit the ground and everything around me started melding together and blurring out. The dark figure started making his way towards me and I screamed louder, but this time it was cut off. As if he was still controlling me and causing all this pain. My palms hit the pavement, and a snapping sound echoed in my ears. I felt a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and I cried out and hit the man with flying fist, struggling to get away, but I couldn’t budge. I tried focusing my eyes on the face of the man holding me. It was khaki boy; but how?

“Oh, Adelaide, you’re safe now.” His voice sounded worried and his eyes looked sincere.

Then everything went dark.

The smell of bacon woke me. I opened my eyes and everything around me looked bright and my head throbbed. I slowly lifted myself off the bed and realized I was still in last night’s clothes. The events of last night crashed back to me all at once and I glanced at my hands, but there were no scratches. I laughed to myself. I must have dreamt what had happened last night. There was no way any of that would have actually happened.

I lifted myself off the bed and I was surprised when my mirror wasn’t broken. My white blond hair was in tangles, full of leaves and twigs. My blue and my green eye were both bloodshot and my clothes were disheveled.

“Adelaide, get down here or you’re going to be late for your first day back to school!” My dad’s voice roared through the house and my head pounded like it was trying to escape the loud noise.

I quickly changed into my navy blue school uniform and brushed out my hair before scrambling downstairs. My plate of breakfast was already made and sitting at my spot at the dining room table.

“Oliver is going to pick me up today, my car is still in the shop.” I shouted to my dad as I quickly stuffed a few pieces of bacon in my mouth.

My dad came around the corner out of the dining room in his ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron. Underneath he had on a white shirt, tie, and black slacks.

“Sounds good, but tell him to drive safe, it’s really windy and wet out today. Oh, and I called Roger at the repair shop, he said you can pick up your car after school today.” I gave me a hearty smile and nodded at my food, “You need to eat more of your breakfast, I heard its the best bacon in town.” I laughed and he gave me a wink and kissed me on the forehead.

“Okay, see you tonight.” Right on queue, Oliver’s truck pulled into our driveway and he gave a little honk.

I scarfed down a little bit of my eggs and threw on my shoes and backpack. Stepping outside took my breath away. It was cold out and there were branches down everywhere, making the neighborhood look like a ghost town. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself as I ran and hopped into Oliver’s truck. It was warm and I instantly smelled the sweet aroma of coffee.

“Well, hey there, you look like you just walked out of a snow storm. I think this will help, though.” He reached between us and grabbed a coffee. I squealed with glee and quickly accepted the warm, blissful cup from him.

“You are forever my savior! This is why we’re best friends.” I smiled and took a sip.

“We’re friends because I buy you coffee? I see.” He imitated a pouting face which made me laugh.

“No, you just know me really well. But buying me coffee gives you brownie points. Now lets go before we’re late.” He grinned and backed out of the driveway.

The school was gloomier than the rest of town. Oliver parked in the senior parking and cheered, “We’re finally seniors Adel, and we don’t have to park all the way in the back of the parking lot anymore. So smile and act like you’re at least enjoying it.” He lightly punched my shoulder, and I gave him a small smile.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy. My thoughts were still clouding every inch of my brain, and I couldn’t come to terms with what happened last night.

“Well I’m definitely looking forward to having journalism first hour. Great start in the morning, and not a class I’ll likely sleep on.” Oliver nodded in agreement.

“Lucky you. I got stuck with Mrs. Toro for first hour. I’m pretty sure she hate me and wants to tear me limb from limb.” He sighed and hopped out of his truck. I got out and started walking beside him into the school. People were swarming lockers and grouping at the edges of the hallway. Everyone looked happy and excited to catch up with their friends after the three months of vacation.

I looked down at my schedule and smiled. Journalism was in the same room it always has been since I started here. Although it was my first year taking the actual class, I always came here early to work on my own personal projects. My feet carried me every step of the way without me even having to think about it.

When I entered the room, the familiar dusty smell hit my nose, and I closed my eyes taking it all in. Being away for three months killed me. But now here it was, sitting in front of me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped in surprise. I realized that I was blocking the doorway. I turned to look at the owner of the finger that poked me, but when I saw the familiar icy blue eyes, my jaw dropped.

“We meet yet again, Adelaide.” His voice hummed my name and his eyes smiled.

It was khaki boy.

“You go to school here? Since when? And why are you in my class?” My mouth blabbed on and he gave me a half grin.

“I’d love to chat but I assume the bell is about to start class.” As if right on queue, the bell rang. I sighed and went straight to my spot to the back of the room, right next to the window. I sat my bag down and started up my computer.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I looked up to see khaki boy drop his bag and sit in the seat next to me. I looked at his face but I still wasn’t able to sense his emotion.

“You don’t need my permission.” I shrugged and kept my focus on my computer screen.

I looked at Ms. Widget walk into the center of the room and clear her voice. “Okay everyone, I hope you like where you’re sitting now, because that will be your seat for the remainder of the semester. For those of you taking this class all year, get cozy. Before I get to blabbing on about what it takes to be a journalist, I’d first like to welcome a new student. He will be joining our lovely school. Please welcome, Pierce Stevens.”

Khaki boy, Pierce, stood and casually waved to our class. Even though there was only ten of us, the clapping still sounded like a gymnasium full of high schoolers.

I smiled to myself as Pierce sat back down next to me, “So Pierce, huh?”

He gave me a side glance and grinned, “I can’t always be Mr. Mysterious, now can I?”

“I only know your name. That didn’t uncloak very much of the mysterious part.” I watched as he rolled his eyes at me.

“A name says more about a person that you think, Adelaide.” I ignored his comment and focused out the window outside. What I saw made me shiver.

The dark figure was back, except this time it was lighter out and I could make out the lines of his face and clothes better. His hair was white blond, like my own, but his eyes were both the same color; green. There was something about the way he stood that intimidated me. His emotions were mixed with pity and anger. The worst kinds of emotions swirling all around him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and whipped my head to the hand in shock.

“Hey now, are you okay?” Pierce's soothing voice wrapped around me and comforted my emotions.

“There’s a man outside.” I turned my head back towards the window to point out the man, but he was gone. I felt Pierce’s gaze on the back of my head. I slowly turned and cleared my throat, “It was probably just a shadow…” I heard Pierce shuffle. I looked over to see he got out of his seat and was making his way to where Ms. Widget was sitting at her desk. He spoke and she nodded, quickly glancing at me then back at him.

Then Pierce walk right out of the classroom, and his backpack was still next to me. my curiosity got the best of me and I opened his backpack, careful to make sure no one saw me.

There was a folder and a picture poking out of it. I went to open it but the folder was quickly snatched from my hands. I looked up only to see Ms. Widget. She held the folder like it was her deepest secret and she gave me a stern look. “What do you think you’re doing, Ms. Elwood? I’m sure that this backpack isn’t yours, seeing as you’ve had the same backpack for the last three years I’ve seen you.” She mocked me with a sly smile and also took Pierce’s bag with her up to her desk.

I exhaled a deep sigh and held my head in my hands. Pierce was a harder to crack than I thought.

The lunchroom was filled. People were all sat at every seat available and there were even some gathered around the tables, standing, waiting for seats to open up. I wasn’t going to stand here wasting my lunch period.

I made my way to the opposite side of the cafeteria and went straight out the doors to the picnic table. It was still a little chilly but the clouds were beginning to clear allowing the sun to peak out.

I sat at the furthest table from the school and opened my lunch. Turkey sandwich with pickles and some strawberries on the side. I was seventeen, nearly eighteen, but I would never get tired of my dad packing my lunches for me.

I decided to pull out some homework; lunch time was always more of a study hour for me rather just eat and go. I had a hard time focusing. I couldn’t get the mystery that was Pierce Stevens out of my head. I was always so great at reading people, always being able to figure out what's going on with them, even before they opened up to me and decided to tell me themselves. But I can’t do that with Pierce. Even though I can’t exactly point out why I care so much. I loved reading mysteries, but facing them in real life scared me.

I felt the bench I was sitting on shift. I jumped and looked over only to see Oliver grinning at me.

“You scare too easy these days, Adel. What happened to the fun of actually having to try and scare you?” He chuckled at himself and pulled out his lunch. Always pizza, it seemed like.

“It’s just been a weird day. First I’m seeing a guy stalk me, then Pierce, and now you’re sneaking up on me. I’ve never had this much human interaction before and I guess it’s just making me more jumpy than usual.” I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a stern look.

“Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Stalker? Pierce? Why am I only hearing about all of this now?” Oliver’s eyes were wide and he looked confused, even a little hurt.

“Well last night I had a dream, or at least I think it was just a dream, someone was following me and Pierce showed up and scared him off. Now Pierce is in my journalism class and I saw the stalker again.” My mouth blabbed on about how Pierce seems to be everywhere and Ms. Widget was acting strange on his behalf. Then I told Oliver about my dream and the headaches I was getting.

Oliver sat still and quiet after I finished telling him what was going on. Even though I left out the part where I couldn’t “read” Pierce’s emotions, and left out the part where the guy stalking me seemed to be possessing my mind.

My eyes met Oliver’s and then he nodded. “I heard that there was a new guy. But it’s kind of weird and crazy that he knew your full name right? I always thought your name was just Adel until we finally had a class together Freshman year, and we grew up together. I can always talk to Pierce and get him to back off, I have fists of steel.” Oliver held up his his scrawny arms and made fists, and flexed his arms.

I laughed, and I laughed hard. Too hard, causing my snorting to start up. “Yeah okay, Oliver. The guy is like pure muscle. And, no offense, but I wouldn’t mess with that. Besides, I can handle myself pretty well.

Oliver looked out into the trees. He looked upset and maybe a little distraught. “I know I can’t beat him in a fist fight or anything, but this guy sounds like he’s up to something, Adel. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” He looked back at me and the corner of his mouth turned up, giving a half smile.

“Thank you, Oliver. I’ll be okay.”


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