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He Followed Me Home


By Nexus WagnerPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

This happened when I was 14. My friends all had dates to homecoming and I didn't, so they decided to convince this guy, lets call him DeathBomb (DB for short), to ask me to homecoming. He was nineteen. I wouldn't have agreed had I known that, but I didn't, so I did. I had no clue who this guy was. I had seen him around, but I didn't know anything about him.So we get to homecoming, my dad dropped me off and told me that if I needed anything, to call him. The night was... okay, for the most part. He was a bit touchy, but I shut him down hard. Then, the grade dances came on. If you don't know what that is, each grade has a song, and only that grade dances when that song comes on. They called for seniors, and DB left me standing there awkwardly to dance with his friends. That's when I realized that he was a senior. I was a little uncomfortable, being so young, but I waited until afterwards to talk to him.He told me he was 19, and, like this was no big deal, swept me into a slow song. Right back to touching on me. I asked if he knew I was 14. He did. He said that was awesome. Wow! Okay, yeah, time to text my dad and run girl run!

Hero that he is, my dad was in front of the school in three minutes flat (Dressed, coiffed, and PISSED). I cut and run immediately, leaving my date on the dance floor. My dad was prepared to go in there and have a talk with anyone who would listen. I begged him to just take me home. We get home, and my dad is ready to turn around, but he can tell I'm a little creeped out, so he takes me inside and sits me down. He talks me down, assures me that I'm okay, I'm safe. I start relaxing.Boom! Knock on the door. Well, more like someone is taking a sledgehammer to the door. My dad yanks open the door and lo and behold! DB is standing at the door to my house (I'd never seen him in my neighborhood, he'd never been to my house, and we didn't ride the same bus).I must've blacked out from fear, because the next thing I remember is my dad saying that if DB ever showed up at our house again, he'd kill him. To this day, my dad won't tell me whatever this psycho told him. My dad is an honest person. There have only been two things in my life he hasn't told me, one of which I found out from my mom. I wish I hadn't.I wish I could say this crazy story's over, but it isn't. Thankfully, it was a weekend, so I didn't have to think about DB or the terrible friends that set this date up for two whole days. Monday rolls around and it's so much worse.I walk into the school and about ten people start laughing as soon as they see me. I don't get why, but as I'm walking around, it's the same routine. Laugh, laugh, what's up, silence. That's when my friend, gonna call him Keith, comes up. He's visibly worried, freaked out. "Les, did you sleep with DB?" He asked me. Obviously, I hadn't, I left at 9:30 to get away from him. I told him so. "That's not what he's saying."The alarm I felt was excruciating. What had he told everyone. I was about to find out.This creep had told everyone we had sex, that he'd eaten me out, and that we were a couple. Like the grim reaper coming to take me away from this world, he put his arm around me as soon as Keith said boyfriend. My skin CRAWLED. I shoved him off and told him explicitly that we were NOT dating and he needed to stop. For the next two weeks, he followed me to every class, waited for me in my class after lunch, told people all these horrific graphic things he wanted to do to me, and all these things he said that we did. It got to the point where I had to corner him in the middle of the hall where everyone could see and break up with him. We weren't even dating.Even then, he followed me around, and any time I'd talk to a boy, he would threaten them and tell them I was his. He told people that if I didn't get back together with him he was going to bring a gun to school and kill himself. Thankfully, that landed him god knows where in a mental hospital. I moved as soon as the year ended and tried to forget he existed.So, Deathbomb McPsychopath, let's never meet again.


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