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How Do I Know I'm Dating a Mature Person?

Don't wait until it's late in the game to realize it wasn't a good match.

By ANASTASIA ADAMSPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

We're warming up to the idea of dating. We have decided to come out of hibernation, shading the old relationship, ready for that new romance.

While in hibernation or taking the time to heal, by now we have realized life kept going. Fear not, although the world has lots of new dating methods, we do not have to adapt to them.

Be in true form, share your core and you will attract the right partner.

I balance life and appreciate my core. Where's the real love?

Being myself, I can attract a partner who appreciates my colorful vision of life.

We're just getting to the good part, don't click out.

It all begins with the initial weak spots, listen to the words of the past and present. Not the text typos, we're looking for personality glitches, the ones humans tend to mask in the beginning. Let's just straight to the point. There are two critical areas to recognize when dating. Additionally, know what to look for, why it is important, and how to spot it in the beginning.

Accountability and Responsibility

Accountability and responsibility are sensible traits most mature adults look for in a partner, but not necessarily easy to spot in the beginning stages of dating.

Why is this important? Well, we want our partner to be responsible when it comes to the relationship, sharing the appropriate conversation and energy with people that can interfere with the emotional and intimate growth. Mainly we want to watch for financial habits and spending as well, someone who takes chances emotionally can make the same risk financially—if you're a practical beaver, this can cause some hiccups in the future. Accountability parallels: When problems arise, you want someone that has the courage to meet challenges head-on with as less conflict as possible.

The best way to get an idea of the potential partner perception is during those "open floor" conversations—past relationships are good, but we don't quite know where the real pressure originated so we should listen with empathy and always remember there are two sides of a story; being an empathic ear can display a level of consideration. However, we want to listen to how they feel about their work environment and colleagues (odd, I know, but hear me out). This is an excellent way to get a glimpse of the real character. Although we tend to mask who we are on the job, most people tend to vent their true nature after unexpected pressure or challenges. Listen and learn. Are they kindhearted and understanding? Are they panicky and ready to lie and blame, or are they responsible and accountable?

Bonus:Do not invest too much feelings after meeting the family; we can learn even more about a potential partner after getting to know them.

Hey, you never know, the black sheep could be just the mate you are looking for if you're searching for that "different" kind of partner. There's always the family-oriented kind of family texture. This is where you want to be conscious about family narcissism. Although we love the Kardashians, their little family has driven a few mates insane. (I'm just saying.) Not all, but a large number of families where everyone typically has that same Feng Shui or personality texture could be a little family cult.

I hope this article was light and humorous yet informative. Please click the link "Anastasia Adams" at the top of the page for more great articles and short stories. If you have enjoyed this, please share and always remember the joy and love we want to see in the world begins inwards and expands outwards.



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