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"Hypothetical" Letter

(on main factors affecting a person's behavior)

By Pi3ces OfWorkPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Dear Friend,

I am taking a psychology class and I think that the main factors affecting a person’s behavior are society, social media, and nurture. Society focusing on the social media end has always been an influence on a person’s behavior but it has been reaching more people than ever. I believe it has its good and bad aspects. For example, Reddit (social media platform) has become a place for anti-vaxxers children to seek advice. We don’t choose our parents and what would happen if you don’t agree with your parents about a medical problem? Where would you even go to get help or advice? Now, I know what you're thinking about: how does this connect to a person’s behavior? Now, before social media, the only people you can get information from are people who most likely have the same values as your parents. I see it as a form of manipulation. Retaining someone's ignorance will 100% affect a person’s behavior. Society teaches us to find out own answers, not the ones that were given to us.

But there is also a dark side. People nowadays feel numb to what happens in the world. We are always told every day something more terrible than the last day but we are unaffected by it. Kids are made heroes for dying. Pointless war is still happening. To my knowledge, two school shootings have happened this week and it’s not even Friday yet. The rich would pay millions of dollars for a church instead of feeding the hungry. We say we live in an equal world now but there are cities/towns I can’t live in because I know I might get raped still. Everyone is self-medicating and somehow I understand why. Normal conversations are about the shit we have been through not about asking how your day has been because we both know it’s shit. I am scared of society. I don’t know how I would ever want to bring a child into this world. My friends say they are getting a baby fever but for me, I just think of these things and I think how could I? I don’t have good examples for parents so how would I ever know what’s right. Maybe society will teach me because no matter how much I fear society as well knowing I can’t live or grow without it. Society shapes humans' behavior.

Love you always,



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