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Interracial Dating

See people for their personalities, not their appearances.

By Yasmine HowellPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
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It’s time to talk about the interracial dating or marriage. Let’s take a cup of tea and have a little chat so the ignorant people can understand the importance of this situation. Why is this a big deal to people? That’s something that I really want to know. If two people are happy together why should race matter? It’s not just black and white, it’s any race for a matter of fact, but black and white relationships are the ones people look down on the most because of all the things that went down in the past. People just need to learn how to move on and stop downgrading someone’s happiness just because of their skin color. We’re all the same, skin color doesn’t define how you are as a person, your personality does.

There’s so much hate in this world it’s very annoying and pathetic. Love shouldn’t be defined by where you come from or how you act, if you really love someone then you’ll go through obstacles for them and make it work. I just need at least one good reason to why people don’t date outside their race, there’s nothing bad about it, it just means you want to expand your horizons. The worst part is being told that it’s not okay by people you love. It’s heartbreaking to see that you can’t love someone just because what everyone else thinks and the hate that they spread. Nobody wants to be told that they have to stick to one race because we were brought in this world to learn not ignore, love not hate, and to stand up for what you believe in.

Just because we’re not all the same doesn’t mean we’re the worst people to be around, calling us names and calling us ugly doesn’t hurt us one bit. We love our skin color and we stand up for what’s right no matter how hard they try to tear us down. It’s not a joke anymore, I want to be able to go out in public with my boyfriend that’s not black and know that I feel safe and loved, not to be faced with cruel comments and ignorant people saying “that’s not right”. It’s not funny, there’s nothing even remotely funny about interracial dating if you’re happy with the person then hey! You do you and know that I’m rooting for you. People like to assume that just because you want to date outside your race that automatically means you hate all black men, Korean men, white men, etc. but what they fail to understand is that that’s not the case because anybody can be your soulmate you just have to find them no matter how they look.

I’m mainly touching on the black and white scenario because I’m a black girl and I want to know that it’s okay to bring someone home to my family that’s not black. It’s difficult and annoying when people automatically assume that I only like white guys when I really don’t discriminate and also the jokes of me only liking one race which is white. I’ve been raised around white people for the majority of my life and for some reason that’s what I feel most comfortable with because apparently I’m “too quiet” for the black people and my voice is “too proper”, that’s something I can’t change because that’s where I come from and I don’t plan on changing for anyone ever no matter who you are. All I care about is if you love me for me and not just because I act differently.


About the Creator

Yasmine Howell

I’m just a 16 year old writer doing what I love and I feel so honored to be sharing my thoughts with all of you guys!!

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