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Is He the One?

Ways to Tell If He Is the One...or Not

By GracePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

There are many times when we think we are with the one we are supposed to be with the rest of our lives. The reality is, people, no matter if you are meant to be together, that just gets in the way; school, jobs, life, but if you are truly meant to be together, you will always find your way back to each other.

These signs are definitely signs of someone who is NOT for you.

  1. Oh, he just lost track of time with his buddies when you guys had plans? Or did he sleep through your guys' plans? Sound familiar? You are more than likely just making excuses for his behavior. He knew about your plans and completely stood you up. I get it, things happen, but when he knows ahead of time and doesn't take the steps to ensure he is able to follow through, that is him just being disrespectful of you and your time. After all, if he really wanted you, he would make sure he had you, right?
  2. Do you always have to beg for his time and attention? To be the one to say you two are dating? Forcing him to commit is a sure fire sign you two are not meant to be together. Even though it will hurt, let him go. It will hurt less than hanging on.
  3. You have him, but he doesn't have you. Are you always the one listening to his problems, but when you have problems or feelings that you want to talk about, he makes you feel bad about it? RUN! Fast and far, far away, because this is the type of man you do not even want to smile at in the aisle.

Now that I stated a few signs about who is NOT your soulmate, let's go onto the signs he is the one for you. After all, it is all about balance.

  1. There is a balance between you two—not too much sex, but also not no sex at all. Between you and him, you two don't text all the time when you aren't together and when you are with him, he isn't on his phone much. The balance between you two should be equal.
  2. He shares the same values as you. You both want a big house out in the country or you both have the same outcome expectations in the same time frame. Graduating from school in two years, or you both want to own a boat in three years. Get my drift?
  3. He makes sacrifices for you, like canceling plans when you are sick so he can come take care of you and doesn't make you feel bad about it and you don't have to beg him to do it. You would also be happy to do the same for him.
  4. He makes you a better person. He is the one always cheering you on and encouraging you to do better, even if that is going away to school for a year. While doing that, he is right by your side every step of the way.
  5. You are connected on more than just sexual attraction. You two are attracted to each other's mind, body, and soul.
  6. You have survived a long distance relationship, whether that is him going away to the army or one of you going off to school for a year or two. It is true distance makes the heart grow fonder.

If you two are meant to be together, I believe you and him will come back together either in three days or 30 years. If you are meant to be, you will be, and you should trust in that.


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