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L.O.V.E Spells Something that People Don't Understand

My First Blog of Love: The Knowledge I Have For You

By Lanna ChiemaraPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Alex "Hitch" Hitchens

When people think about what love means, they usually give the same answer: "Love is when you care about someone or something. When you show affection towards someone or something. When you spend your most of your time focused on someone or something," but few realize that loving someone or something is more than that. I have the ideology that words are nothing without actions. Someone could say "I love you" then do nothing to prove that they actually do. Some people say "I love you" and then end up cheating on their spouse or hurting their spouse emotionally. I teach people that love means something different to everyone. There's no real definition to what love truly means. Each person says that love is something relating to their lives and some say that it's an impossible event (for those who have had their hearts broken). For someone to truly understand what love is, they have to experience it for themselves. You can't just ask someone what love feels like and expect it to be the truth, trust me.

When I was younger I asked a lot of different people what they believed love to be like and all their answers for how it feels were different. I was confused growing up about the topic until I did some research and started examining people in different situations to fully understand what love is like; then I experienced it for myself and found that my research was incomplete. I was forgetting a key ingredient in my little concoction of love finding; the feelings/emotions. When I was finding out what love meant to the rest of the world, I forgot to find out what it meant to me. I was so focused on trying to understand others that I wasn't focused enough on trying to understand myself. It came to the point where I've been so good at giving dating/relationship advice to people around me that I'm no longer able to find love for myself. As most people know, in sports, there are the players and the coach. My friends, my family, and the people I help are the players. I am stuck forever as the coach. Coaches don't play the game; players do. I'm a hopeless romantic and I spend my time helping others find love. If you've ever seen the movie Hitch with Will Smith, that's exactly how I feel. I am a real life Alex "Hitch" Hitchens. I love finding love for other people. The feeling and the satisfaction that it brings me at the end of the day. But when I go home after it all, I'm left alone. I am by myself because I understand and fully comprehend how a relationship should work and what people want. People don't go for people like us, people who understand things. It's a curse and a blessing. I hope to continue to spread my knowledge to people who want to read about a young woman on the hunt to discover the world of romance and to maybe find my true love someday. At least I'll know when it happens. 'Til next time.


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