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Love, It's a Complicated Thing

My first and hopefully not my last piece of writing

By Luke HansonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Love it's a complicated thing. It's something humans will never understand. It can make us go against everything we believe in. It can make us accomplish unthinkable acts just so we can sustain its feelin. Its power is limitless, it trumps lust always, love always prevails.

Love is many things, it isn't just for your partner, it can be a belief system for ideas, just like faith or merely supporting a football team. It binds us as a species, as a country, all the way down to a street. It is not just a thing for humans, it exists in all of creation, no matter how big or small.

Science dictates that it is just a chemical response from the brain down to the environment that is presented to the subject. I disagree, I think it is far deeper than just a simple response from the brain. Love is when you put your needs to one side and care more about the needs of another individual or thing. Just like a mother or father who will work three jobs to keep their children fed and with a warm roof over their heads. It is when someone else's life becomes more precious than your own to the point where you are willing to sacrifice yours to preserve theirs.

I believe the very fabric of love is on a soulular level, and yes, I bet you didn't know that was a word. You know love has taken hold of you when you are willing to give every piece of you to the other person, animal, or object.

I have been studying this from birth of how it affects creation. I have seen the detrimental effects it has had on humanity and the planet. I have seen how a humans love for greed and power can corrupt an entire belief system that was designed to be something for the good of humanity. People have killed and died in the name of love, people have stolen and wronged in the name of love. People do not realize how truly powerful it can be.

It can turn brothers against sisters, kind against kind, and even the destruction of an entire species. Based on this study of the earth, it can truly be a beautiful thing but, at the same time it has an ugly side, a side people refuse to admit or see.

Love can be blinding, it can push away the ones who love you, just because you love something else more and the sheer thought of losing this feeling can make you do unthinkable acts, just like the ones we spoke about earlier.

Love doesn't just involve a single sense, it consumes all. The most powerful, though, is visual, as seeing really is believing. It's like seeing the one person you gave everything to, whom you gave your life to, betray that love with another person. It doesn't just hurt, it crushes you, it crushes not just your soul but, your morals and the very way you live your life. Love can be good but, it can also bring an unshakeable gloom to your life when it is taken away.

Can love be calming? Can love change people, the world? I believe it can. It is always rejected at first. The feeling of becoming vulnerable, the feeling of the unknown. It's the first transition of overall control and it can be a messy one, but once you as an individual accept and embrace this love, whether it be self love, love for a partner, a brother a sister, a friend or even a faith, its rivers go from rough waters to a beautiful calm river. It is freeing.

So with all the evidence, I am guessing you think I may have come to a conclusion. You are correct, dear reader but, it might not be the conclusion you are looking for. It is not something that needs to be understood nor do I think it wants understanding. It is just something that occurs when you least expect it. Do you reject it's embrace or do you accept it? Love, it's a complicated thing.


About the Creator

Luke Hanson

What can I say about Luke Hanson?

An open minded, all seeing caffeine addict, who spends more time up in the sky with the dreams and stories of old, than he does with his feet firmly in the ground with the rest of reality.

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