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Sex, Honey, Money – The Deadly Cocktail Every Woman Needs

What Every Woman Needs

By Sylvia SmithPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

Sex, money, and power. These are the things that every person feels are necessary, in order to be happy in life. But, is this really so? Surely these ideas have a certain element of romance to them. Wonderful sex means feeling pleasure, having money means living in the lap of luxury, traveling, and buying nice things for yourself, and power means having control of your life. But is that really what it takes to be truly happy?

Pursuing a great career and being able to provide for yourself financially is fantastic. But so is having great sex! We're looking at how a fantastic marriage provides everything a woman could ever need to be happy.

What Every Woman Needs: Money

Of course, you need money. It pays the bills, allows you to have transportation and groceries, and buys you things that bring you joy. But can money really buy happiness? While studies show that richer countries are statistically happier than poorer countries, richer people are not happier than those with lesser wealth. Research suggests that material pursuits can be a source of stress, anxiety, and distraction from real happiness.

People will always be in a mad rush for materialistic pleasures. Television and online advertisements are constantly pushing the idea that the one thing you need in life to be happy is just a credit card payment away. But, what is true happiness? Love.

Having a happy, healthy relationship can benefit you in your material pursuits. When you are in a loving, serious relationship your partner will be able to help support you financially. This means sharing the responsibilities and running the household together.

Every Woman Needs Love

One thing that every woman needs is love. The best part of the deadly cocktail isn’t having a full bank account or buying material things, it’s how you’re treated by your romantic partner and how their love makes you feel. Having a long-lasting, happy relationship brings the ultimate joy to any person’s life.

Safety and Security: One of the best feelings in the world is feeling safe and secure. Coming home shouldn't feel like a battleground, it should feel like your safe place. This is one of the benefits of being in a happy, healthy relationship. Your partner makes you feel cared for and looked after. They are the person you can confide in without judgment, they are the person who help carry you during the hard times, and through their love they allow you to open up both sexually and emotionally.

Helps You Grow: Being with someone who challenges and supports you allows you to grow as a person. Especially in the case of "opposites attract," your partner will teach you a host of new rewarding personality traits such as patience, respect, humility, and open-mindedness.

Reduced Stress: It seems more and more people are being diagnosed with anxiety disorders and feel constantly stressed out. Studies show that happy relationships can reduce the effects of stress by lowering the production of the stress-hormone cortisol. This is especially true if you are maintaining a satisfying intimate relationship with your partner. Married couples show a lower response to psychological stress than singles do. This is because married partners know they have someone supporting them through the good times and the bad.

Better Health: Forget money and sex, what about your health? Numerous studies show that people who have more social support, such as those in healthy romantic relationships, are healthier than those who are single. Having a loving partner reduces your chances of developing depression or other mental health problems. Being in love also lowers your blood pressure and boosts cardiovascular health. Another study reveals that laughing with your partner can help you tolerate pain better by raising the pain threshold by up to 10%.

Longer Life Span: Not only will you have better health in a loving relationship, but there is a lot of research that suggests that married couples live longer than singles.

Love and a Sense of Purpose: Being with a long-term partner makes you feel like you are part of something bigger. Trust and honesty also play a large role in your deadly cocktail. Knowing that someone will always have your back no matter what happens brings joy and happiness to your life. A healthy relationship helps you feel understood and enhances your mood. Being in a loving relationship also ensures that you will be able to live with your best friend and share your joys and hobbies together. All of these things bring satisfaction to your life. Love gives you a sense of purpose and a happier life.

Sex with your Romantic Partner

Part of what every woman needs in a great relationship is great sex.

Having a sexually satisfying relationship with your partner isn’t everything, but it definitely draws you closer together and associates the feelings of pleasure with your partner. Communicate with your partner so that they know exactly what you need and desire.

Another part of having great sex is making sure you and your partner care about each other. Studies show that women have better sex when it's with someone they are in love with. Touching your partner during sex, or simply holding hands, hugging, or foreplay can all raise your levels of oxytocin, which bonds you to your partner. Plus, being with someone you love builds trust, which means you can spring new fantasies on them and you won't feel like an idiot.

Having sex with someone you love and trust is going to make you feel like you can let loose between the sheets.

Sex, honey, and money aren’t hard to come by, especially if you know what to look for. By gathering these ingredients in the form of a happy, healthy relationship you’ve created a fantastic, deadly life cocktail that every woman needs.


About the Creator

Sylvia Smith

Sylvia Smith is a writer who likes to write about relationships and how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. She is currently associated with She is a big believer in living consciously.

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