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Sliding Into the First Relationship (Part 1)

I am 19, a virgin, and have no idea what I'm doing so I turn to my last resort, the internet.

By Jaden ❤Published 6 years ago 5 min read

I got sick of waiting, sick of seeing my friends weave in and out of relationship after relationship. Not that I specifically wanted that, I wanted a real one, someone I could spend lots of time with and love. And, I was not getting that in my small town in New York that had a population of about 500. Which sometimes I don't get. Now, I understand I am not the prettiest girl in town, or the thinnest. But, not to toot my own horn or anything, I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet. And eventually I began to think that I would have to be lonely and sad for a very long time. But, that was before I met him, my night in shining armor, my big teddy bear, my Tyler.

Now, I'm not one to usually try these types of things but I thought, why not try something new. I downloaded a whole bunch of different dating apps, most of which I did not like. And most of the men on them were looking for nude pictures or just a hook up, and I am not about that.

One day I got a message from someone. Now, I saw him as a nerd that just wanted a little somethin', somethin' but he was nice and caring. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to him. I found out that he lived no more than an hour and a half from me and that made me extremely happy. Then came the wanting pictures. And that is all he wanted to talk about. It got boring turning him down. No, this guy was not Tyler, he was just another one of the fuckboys that wanted to get in my pants, but he had a sneaky way to get there.

And that is when Tyler asked me how I was doing. Now Tyler was definitely a nerd, he talked about almost nothing but anime and video games. But I enjoyed it, I knew that he really like it by the way he described things in so much detail and with so much heart. He told me about his past relationships and the heartbreak he endured. We talked all about our likes and dislikes, and how he hates white chocolate, but it's my favorite and he said I could have all of his, and I'm definitely not complaining.

He was only the second person I had met on a dating app that did not ask me for anything. I knowyou're thinking "oh come on, that can't be true!" But it is, he asked me for absolutely nothing. And the other person who was like that was actually gay, and we became practically best friends.

After a couple of weeks I gave Tyler my other social media so now we were connected on Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. I'm not going to lie, I definitely went a little deep to see what kind of things he had on his accounts to see if I could spot anything suspicious, but nope, the only thing I got out of it was that he loved anime and video games which of course, I already knew.

We were still going strong by the one month mark, and that surprised me because I would have definitely been sick of me by now but hey, I was not about to complain. We talked about everything, from what we were doing that day to what we would want to do in the future. I also found out that he only lived an hour away. Then after talking for about a month and a half we started talking about more emotional things like our families and what we would want to achieve in the future.

Don't get me wrong, we still talked about the stupid stuff like fights we got into during high school or way toppings we could never eat on pizza. By the way, we both agreed that pineapple was a no go.

We would talk on the phone until early hours of the morning and we always had something to talk about; it never got boring with him. I did fall asleep on him once though and I think it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my like. That's only because I snore, I snore really loud. And of course, he heard it all. Even though he tried to tell me it was cute, I wasn't buying it.

We had been talking for two and a half months and I knew that I wanted him to be my boyfriend. So, I gave him this line, "hey, it's getting weird to call you my boy when I brag about you to my friends, could I call you my boyfriend?" Now, I wasn't exactly proud of how cheesy that sounded, but it worked! He replied with, "Well, I don't know, Jess, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Now, let's pause for a moment for me to let you know that that has never been said to me before. I never knew any guy would want to say that to me. When he did my heart just about leapt right out of my chest. I knew he was a good guy and that if I said yes I would be making the right choice.

So there you have it, I had actually gotten my first boyfriend. I felt ecstatic, I was ready to take on the world. Now, the only problem was, I hadn't met him in person yet...


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