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Starry-Eyed Infatuations

“He doesn’t even know I exist.”

By Kylee BakerPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Crushes, we've all had one. If you're saying you have never had a crush, chances are, you are probably lying. As cuffing season approaches, it is no secret that people are filled with an even greater desire for a relationship. Crushes can be absolutely mortifying, nerve-wracking, but also pure wonder. They either make you feel like your heart is gonna burst out of your whole damn body or as if you're in pure ecstasy! Now you're probably wondering, why is Kylee writing this? Truth is, I have gotten a few requests before to do a piece on crushes, so here I am. Look, crushes suck. They fill up your head with false expectations of a teenage dream, or in my case, scenes with Audrey Hepburn, like that one scene in Roman Holiday where she's riding on a Vespa with Joe Bradley, played by Gregory Peck, or especially the final scene in Breakfast at Tiffany's where she finally finds her missing cat, Cat, and makes up with her lover, Paul Varjak, played by George Peppard.

​​The thing is, crushes can really turn your whole world upside down and make you feel as if you're losing your whole damn mind. Suddenly, every single song or movie scene becomes all about them. Hell, they're all you can think about! For example, yesterday in algebra, I was taking a test on graphs, and in the middle of the test, I got caught staring into space. "Miss Baker. Are you finished with your exam?", said my algebra teacher. Although I was actually thinking about the long nap I was gonna take after school and not some guy, I am pretty sure that goes the same way. At this point, you're completely infatuated with them and you're going absolutely mad! You know you're in deep when you like them for them and all their little quirks. You have two choices: You can either admire them from afar and accept the fact that nothing will ever conspire between the two of you or you can (wo)man up and tell them how you feel! I know, I know, that sounds incredibly frightening. But if you want to move on, telling that person how you feel is the only step forward. If they don't share mutual feelings, they just don't, and that's okay. But you don't know until you try. You never know, chances are they may actually like you back, something wonderful may conspire, and it could possibly change your life for the better!

I know, I know, rejection is incredibly frightening! Hell, rejection is the only thing keeping me from starting a casual conversation with my very own Wonderwall. It's quite ironic, I've seen them across the room in my chemistry class, yet there's no actual chemistry (ahahaha). Aside from my non-existent fling, rejection is a part of life. Look, I am not saying you have to declare your undying love for them or anything extreme of that sort, but simply ask them how their day is going or something simple like that. If you're feeling really brave, ask. them. out! If they say no, they say no.

​ Something that really saddens me is seeing girls question their self-worth, asking themselves "What's wrong with me?" or "Why doesn't he like me back?" I am here to tell you that absolutely nothing is wrong with you and you really are perfect just the way you are, and some boy/girl liking you back does NOT define your self-worth.

In summation, a crush is a crush. Sometimes it all conspires in the end and sometimes it just doesn't. Something important to remember is really, to just stay true to yourself. We all try so hard to impress that one person, but for what? If they're someone worth liking in the first place, chances are, they'll like you much more for who you really are.


About the Creator

Kylee Baker

Kylee Baker is a sixteen year old aspiring writer, blogger, high school ambassador for, and coffee-enthusiast. You can check her blog out at 💛

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