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Taking Your Power Back After Twin Flame Separation

Turn Your Heartbreak Around

By Alvina Von WPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

I'm part of something, it is bigger than me, it's bigger than romance, it has shown me that we are more than this flesh and blood existence and although I previously thought I was spiritual and open-minded, this, this twin flame experience has blown my heart and my soul so wide open I feel like a totally different being altogether.

It started with looking for love, the kind of love I have craved all my life, intimate, open, loving, deep and beautiful. It came in the form of a connection so deep and so intense with a young man, who was almost a clone of myself, but who also had all the characteristics of my dream partner. It knocked me over and took down all my defenses, I felt like I was seeing God in a way. The love between us was so bright it felt like the sun, it activated a kundalini experience, a spiritual awakening, and journey through my own darkness to find that all-pervading light within myself.

I was sure, he was "the one" and he could have been too, he told me he loved me with every fiber of his soul and that he would look for me from birth in our next incarnation, but in this life, we were 20 years apart in age and he had already planned a life with someone else. He couldn't untangle himself from the expectations and conditioning of this life or deny himself the experience of growing up the way he wanted to. So we parted ways leaving me ecstatically shattered and trying to make sense of it all. Why had this happened? It reminded me a lot of that Alanis Morrisette song, "Ironic." It felt like a crazy cosmic joke meeting the man of my dreams and meeting his beautiful wife.

I decided to look for answers, I found twin flames, a counterintuitive and misunderstood idea of this perfect Union, a spiritual, emotional, all-encompassing love with "the one."

You see a twin flame is a deep soul connection, some say both from the same soul, but split into two separate beings although I don't really buy that analogy... for me, the experience activated an energy within me, which in turn activates others of a similar vibration creating a network of light.

The meeting of two souls who are almost exactly the same vibration, a vibrational match in every way, creates a transcendent experience allowing you to get a glimpse of what heaven is like. Your souls talk to each other, you literally feel out of this world, like you can see through the illusion of this reality. You can experience past life memories, become a healer, a psychic, connect with your guides and angels and the feeling of being intimate together is WOW, I cannot even describe it. When he left I felt like two different people... I was so full of light, so full of love, but also devastated beyond anything I had experienced to that day. I had to find a way through and not lose my connection to the light within me.

I wrote the message below when I had come to the realization that the experience was actually all about me! My personal ascension and evolution were shown to me to be important because without becoming who I truly am I cannot help those that need it and we need it, the earth and its people need to be liberated from the corrupted systems which have kept us under control for so long. We all need to come back to our heart centers and stop putting the responsibility on other people, connected or not.

How To Take Your Power Back After Twin Flame Separation

If you are obsessing, longing, feeling needy, or 'feeling' your "twin flame" and thinking that's love, STOP!! Stop giving your power away! This experience asks you to drop your perceptions and conditioned ideas of love and relationships. The love experienced in sacred relationships asks us to drop expectations; expectations of a love or relationship that fits the normal relationship concepts. It's like learning a different language because the relationship isn't just physical or romantic but much more energetic and multidimensional than most have the ability to conceive before it happens.

When we meet and connect with a divine counterpart we are given access to the tools within ourselves to become empowered light beings in human form. Why would you want to waste all that beautiful energy on co-dependency and obsession longing, ownership, and jealousy? That is not love. All those emotions and others that we are so used to associating with love really only help to reinforce feelings of unworthiness, lack of self-love/esteem, and ideas that most likely are not even yours, that keep you trapped in this cycle of not getting what you need, want or desire. This all comes up within your consciousness so you can address it, heal it and resolve it. This part of the journey invites you to remember who you are at the deepest levels, to let go of all the condition, the expectations and this is your mission to become you, a shining example of authenticity and empowerment by yourself.

Let the shattering of your heart be the rebuilding of love... Kintsugi is the Japanese practice of using gold to repair broken crockery and pottery to make it into something, even more beautiful, valuable, and unique. Kintsugi your heart so the pieces are glued back together with the beautiful golden light of your true being and you shine from within like a beacon for those who need guidance and direction.

For a one on one session with me please visit me at my Facebook page.


About the Creator

Alvina Von W

Im Alvie and I help people who have experienced a Twin Flame or other soul connection to understand their journey by sharing my own experiences on the path of unconditional love, healing and ascension.

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