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Technology Is Ruining Our Lives

I give my perspective on how technology is affecting our generation.

By Mia NeelPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

This generation has become so obsessed with technology, it is absolutely ridiculous. I know what you are thinking, “But you’re only 20 and using technology to write this article.” And you are right but I also know when to put the devices down.

I have a boyfriend, who I love dearly, and anytime we are spending time together, we both put the phones down and actually interact with each other. Because we do this, we have gotten to know each other instead of living our lives on the internet.

I have a family member whose boyfriend comes over often, and they are always are their phones – they are both younger than me, so they have become more dependent on technology. I try to remind them to put the phones down and actually talk to one another, but sometimes they do not listen.

I have also seen this situation when I am out to dinner or lunch with my family. I will look around, because I am an observer, and see a group of girls about 16 sitting at a table, all on their phones. Not a single one talking, complete silence. I have seen this so many times, it is unimaginable.

About a year ago, I had to go several months without a working phone. The only way I could use it was to walk to a place with WiFi. I know what is like to be without technology, and honestly, it brought my family closer to each other because we did not have devices to distract us from the others.

Look around, how many working devices do you currently have around you? Me personally, I am in my living room, and including the tablet I am writing this on, I have a laptop on my dining room table, my phone on the couch next to me, and a TV with a PlayStation3 on a table.

But how many am I actually on? Just the one, tablet. My TV is turned off, my phone is lying face down, and my laptop is closed. But also, no one is home. I only spend my time on an article like this when I can focus on it and give my undivided attention – just like I do when I am spending time with my family and friends.

If I have family over, we like to go old-school and play board games. Sometimes we will gather around in the living room and watch a movie together but we are doing it device free. If I am sitting down, eating a meal with anyone, I will tell them to put the device down and make conversation with me.

Just yesterday, I was playing Yahtzee with my dad, my sister, and my cousin. Both my sister (who is 17) and my cousin (who is 16) were on their phones. My dad had his phone in another room and mine was lying face down on the table next to me so it would not distract me. I told my sister and cousin to put their phones down and the crazy part is, I had to tell them multiple times until they finally put them down on the table.

The point I am trying to get across with this article is put your phone or tablet down for 20 minutes and interact with someone face-to-face. You never know what you might learn about them. You never know a person until you observe them – their facial features, the body language, etc. I have learned so much about boyfriend by doing this. For example, he always furrows his eyebrows when he is thinking. If I was distracted with my phone instead of making eye contact with him, I never would have noticed it.

Take some time out of your day to put your device down and have a conversation with someone. I challenge you to spend about 30 minutes a day for a week, device free, talk to someone. It can be anyone, your best friend, a parent, a sibling, a significant other. Converse.


About the Creator

Mia Neel

I'm not sure what my posts are going to be about..I'm leaning towards writing about relationships since I've recently found the love of my life when I thought I would never love again. Read my first post to find out more!!

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