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The Moment

A Teenage Love Story

By Kendra P.Published 6 years ago 3 min read
This is the story of us.

When you experience a world shaking event, you remember every detail of that day. You remember what you ate for breakfast, what you wore and even what you were doing at that time. Take for example the assassination of JFK or the 9/11 attack, events that still make us reflect on every aspect of that day.

But even through all of the tragedies, the triumphs...there is one specific event I remember the most, and that is when I realized that I was totally, hopelessly in love with you.

It was senior year in high school, and lucky for me you were my best friend. And even though there were obvious signs that you liked me even more than a friend, I was blind. I was dating some loser who never took me on dates, wrote me letters or even called me like you did. Not that I was perfect... I didn't call him much either, and I didn't want to.

To make this long story short, I dumped that idiot. But I wasn't ready to jump into a relationship with you, even though I was crushing hard. I thought it was just rebound syndrome.

But I guess you got sick of waiting for me to come around. I woke up that morning, knew it was going to be a bad day, did two or three bong rips with my bestie and was on our way to school.

I arrived in the usually crowded hallway and waited a few minutes by my locker for you to walk me to homeroom, fifteen exact. I figured you were late again when you didn't show. So I proceeded to walk myself to class. I turned down the hall and there you were, kissing some girl that I've never seen before, at HER locker.

Suddenly, I had tunnel vision. My heart dropped, but somehow was beating out of my chest. The room got hot and I felt the earth tremble beneath me with anger. I was so full of rage and jealously...and I was hurt. A mutual friend of ours at the time saw this moment and she grabbed my hand and said, "That's his new girlfriend."

I skipped every class that I had with you, which was the majority of them. The principal didn't mind, we were tight and I ran most of the school clubs. So I worked in that free time. But then came lunch, where we sat at the same table, with our friends. You knew something was wrong, because you asked me. I said nothing and spent the rest of lunch in the bathroom. What a shitty day this was.

A few weeks passed and then came homecoming. You already broke the news to me that you weren't going to be my date anymore. We were still running for king and queen together since your girlfriend wasn't a senior. This was super awkward because I hated you at this point, temporarily.

We lost needless to say, and thank God for that. Your new girl was nice, which irritated me even more, and told you to dance with me. I hate/loved every second of that.

Eventually you started to come around more and she was starting to get jealous. Everyone told her she was nuts for believing you would stay away from me and she definitely was. There are no words to describe how close we were and she didn't realize that. She didn't realize that no matter what she did, you always came back to me.

We never cheated with each other, but you did break up because of me (and because she was f****** crazy).

We had our first kiss on that night. You had your mohawk and leather jacket, with your ripped black skinny jeans and vans. I had my long jet black hair, and band tee. You always picked me up to hug me but this time, it was different. This time the wind slowed, the crickets stopped chirping, and it was just us on my front porch. The street filled with silence. This was THE moment. You picked me up and you planted one on me. It was so special and once-in-a-lifetime. We had both been waiting for this moment. Again the earth was trembling, but this time it was because Gods and Goddesses were cheering. I've literally never smiled so big in my life.

From then on, we grew up together.

So many years, one engagement, and one child later, here we are. And I've never been happier.

Readers, If you're going to fall in love with someone, fall in love with your best friend. Take a chance on them before the chance is gone. You won't regret it.


About the Creator

Kendra P.

A poet, who's self is revealed within my work.

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