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The Power of Equality

An Empath's Observation

By Monica DashPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

If there was one tagline that I could scream to the masses, it would be that we are in fact ALL EQUAL! Growing up in the Deep South as a quiet, empathic girl of color, I've listened, observed, and unfortunately absorbed many others getting this message wrong.

The Power of Equality: An Empath's Observation

If there was one tagline that I could scream to the masses, it would be that we are in fact ALL EQUAL! Growing up in the Deep South as a quiet, empathic girl of color, I've listened, observed, and unfortunately absorbed many others getting this message wrong.

Over the past 15 years or so of adulthood, I have witnessed overly humble and accommodating folks bending over backwards for those that do not show them the same mutual respect. I have witnessed the overly humble put those that are within a wealthier economic or social class at a higher priority than those that have less. Others have been constantly hurt by toxic narcissists whether it be within the family, the workplace, the church or at the grocery store. On the other hand, I’ve witnessed the relationship sabotage of toxic individuals. From my observation, a great deal of these folks have been put on a pedestal due to their social or economic class for the majority of their lives. They have never been told no and their bad behavior has continued to go on through adulthood. When they are finally told no or that they were wrong, unfortunately, they are not emotionally capable of handling the rejection. These people have developed a deep lack of consideration or empathy for others. They usually can not stop talking about themselves and their life perspective long enough to realize that anyone else (or a different perspective) is even in the room.

Unfortunately, the ugly part of the human condition includes experiencing trauma whether we were sheltered as a child, not allowed the opportunity to make independent decisions, bullied, stigmatized or labeled because of what you look like. The good news is that there is still time to realize that we are all equally the same and that indeed no one being is better than any other being.

Only after I truly, and wholeheartedly realized the depth of this mantra was I able to accept its power. The power is complete freedom to be you! I let go of what other people thought of me and began to live my best life as my authentic self, and not what anyone else wanted me to be. My tummy-tossing social anxiety stopped. I stopped worrying about the sales associate following me around the store or the people at church judging me for my absence (or for whatever people at church judge about). We are all indeed equal therefore freedom is granted to all; no matter your faith, marital status, family, social status, economic class, gender, age (children too!), color or race.

The world needs more compassionate people who deeply understand that we are all equal and see others without superficial judgements based on their own conditioning and what they see on the surface.


About the Creator

Monica Dash

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