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What Comes with Being Part of the LGBT 🏳️‍🌈

Being out and Proud

By Kay 🎀Published 5 years ago • 3 min read

What comes with being part of the LGBT? Well I’ll tell you..

Being a girly girl myself.

I get a lot of comments thrown my way from ignorant people.

Whether that be on social media or when I am out and about with my partner.

The day to day life of this (for me) gets quite boring and repetitive. I guess I could say it’s in the same way it would with people saying to heterosexual people "oh so you’re straight? How is that for you?"

I have never understood why it’s the "norm" to be a straight person, but why when it comes to a lesbian/gay couple, it’s always questioned and frowned upon.

Growing up in my family household, I have a few relatives that are bisexual and gay, so for me it’s never been anything out of the ordinary. But as I got to my early teens, I was bullied quite a bit for being a lesbian (and at this point, I hadn’t even come out). So I never really understood why I was, as for me like I’ve said, it was never anything out of the ordinary.

I still to this day have never actually "come out." I think those close to me always knew and I think if they loved/cared about it I wouldn’t matter, so I never felt the need too. I kinda jus came home one day and told my mother I had a girlfriend and nothing more was said on that matter.

But being part of the LGBT I get a lot of people saying "there’s no way you’re gay, I bet I could turn you straight," "It’s just a phase, it won’t last forever" or even "you’re too pretty to be gay, what a waste."

Comments like that as much as they boil my blood and aggravate me, I just laugh them off. How people can be SO ignorant and small minded is actually beyond me.

That being said, there shouldn’t be a stereotype of what a gay person should "look like" or dress or act and portray themselves.

It isn’t exactly a choice, it’s just a way of life and who you are as a person and people shouldn’t be judged and abused because of it. We don't judge people on being straight; and that is also just a person being themselves and another way of life.

And being gay certainly doesn’t nor should it effect anyone but the actual person themselves.

It’s hard enough to accept yourself WHO you are and HOW it’s going to effect your own life without having to worry about what others are going to say to you or even, about you.

Some of the biggest icons around the world are part of the LGBT community. IE Angelina Jolie, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Tracy Chapman, even Ellen DeGeneres. And so many people love them and on top of loving them, they praise them for being "out and proud" and admire them for having the strength to do it whilst being under so much pressure and being so in the public eye; and it should be the same for the normal day to day people around the world who aren’t ‘icons’. It should be just as admired and praised, because it’s just as hard for them, if not harder.

At the end of the day...

We are ALL people...

And we ALL matter.

So, Be proud of who you are.

Live your life the way you want too and love your damn self the exact way you are.

And do NOT let anyone’s opinion drag you down, when all you are doing is being the person you were born to be.


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