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What Is True Unity?

A Quick Look into Humanity, Spirit, and the One

By Aaron WraithPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
A quote from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Now, when we consider unity, we consider joining, or togetherness. This is what the foundation of unity is about. However, it extends further and deeper than that. Unity extends to the spiritual and the One.

Now, I know what you're thinking, what am I talking about? Is this some made up belief system or something more corrupt within the mind? Well, it is more of an innate truth than something make belief. The One is true unity! What I mean when I say the One is the connection all humans innately share on a deeper level. The One refers to the connection of the mind and spirit of every human being that lives and breathes. Now, this is not to say that we are not unique or different, in fact it is the opposite. We are interconnected and conjoined in a spiritual way that allows us to unify beyond human boundaries, yet we are separate. We are the same, yet different. Unique, yet not dissimilar. Being interconnected and part of a unity does not deny our uniqueness. In a way, it amplifies it. How? Well, we are unique spirits because of our unanimity, because it enforces the idea that spirit are distinctive and yet together. This will be discussed further on.

Now, we have established what the One is and what spirit is, now we have to consider, what is the purpose of life? Now, every individual has different answers and no one individual is wrong. However, there are 2 purposes to existing in this world. The first is to show compassion, love, and forgiveness. Innately, humans understand compassion and love more than they understand hate, fear, pain, suffering and despair. Why is this? Well, from birth, we are loved by our mothers and fathers or other family members unconditionally. So, in turn, we learn the meaning of love from our primary care givers. Whereas, one has to learn the negative emotions from someone as these are not something innate to humans (unless they have had an unfortunate upbringing of course). When we consider this in further depth, we understand that showing compassion and love to others is more relieving to our humanity than showing hatred or suffering to others. Which feels better: feeling hatred and anger, or feeling love and euphoria?

I mentioned there is a second purpose to our existence, and that is to learn and grow. Earlier within this article, I explained how unity does not deny uniqueness or individuality, and that it instead continues to encourage and amplify it. Well, it is related to learning. Consider your life as a school, and you learn new lessons on a daily basis. How does that make us different? Well, we all have individual thoughts and beliefs. So, when we learn something new, we can interpret it individually and different. On this basis, that is what makes us remain unique and different, whilst still accepting and allowing us to be unified as part of the One or Whole. For example, if someone asked your opinion on religion, individually you would all have unique answers, whilst some of you have similar answers, in a way your thought process is still unique. In this way, the similarity of the answer is what unifies people, whilst the process of thought is unique to the individual. In turn, proving unity and individuality in one thought and question.

So, how would we go about accepting the horrors of the world such as murder? Well, you don't have to accept them. Being human means having flaws. We all have flaws, and unfortunately, some have flaws that cause chaos and dissidence as well as violence and death. This is an unavoidable fact of life. But, to show that person compassion, love and forgiveness, even if it is exceedingly difficult, that is what makes a true spiritual and humane process of thought. Now, I am not saying you can forgive everyone or love everyone or show everyone compassion, but it is certainly nice to try. To show these traits would be to show basic human virtues that are innate to all of us.

So, remember, try being compassionate and loving to anyone you can. Just give them a smile, offer to help them in any way you can, buy a homeless person food, accept that you cannot change everything, but that you can make a difference. No matter how small, it all makes an impacting difference.


About the Creator

Aaron Wraith

Hello all. I am Wiccan, obsessed with Philosophy, Politics, sociology, religion, the environment and care about showing compassion, love and forgiveness. Blessed be to all of you!

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