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What Would This World Be like If Farting Was Acceptable?

Having to hold a farts causes a cascade of issues in society and human interactions.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

What an odd subject to talk about. Farting is and has been deemed unacceptable for pretty much ever. It's such a simple thing and everyone in this world does it. Yet, we never really notice people openly fart much in society. This notion is so absurd that it's deemed comedy when it happens. People will go ballistic when someone actually performs the act in front of them. Of course, close family and friends are usually the only exceptions to this, but even they'll have a good chuckle when it happens and no one likes to be made fun of.

People hate farts because they can be loud and can smell pretty gross. Obviously, no one wants to be around bad odors, but the smell is temporary. No one actually wants to be the one that farts in public, but sometimes things in your body just react and gas needs to be passed. Since this farting isn't acceptable, people tend to hold it in when they're around people. I think this has a cascading negative effect on people and in turn influences society negatively as well.

One such influence is at work or at school. If the act was acceptable, I'm sure there would be a lot fewer people going to the bathroom. Farting can be a case of false alarms. Having to worry about going to the bathroom can be stressful and puts people in a different mind frame when interacting with others. This rush can also cause anxiousness and the need to hurry to places. All of these negative reactions bring tensions. Our society, in general, can be a little tenser and stressed through a cascade of events caused by millions of people rushing to the bathroom to relieve themselves. Let's face facts, how are we expected to go to school or work for a duration of around eight hours and not fart once? Yet it is rare that we ever hear anyone fart out loud at work or at school. Don't forget, everyone, during those eight hours, we eat breakfast and lunch. That's two important meals and not everyone eats the healthiest. Some foods can make us pretty gassy.

I have an assumption that a lot of people hold their farts in when they're in public. I believe this isn't the healthiest thing for someone to do. Some people will go to the bathroom to get rid of the gas but even then it could be quite embarrassing so some people can get trapped in the bathroom for a while waiting to rip a loud fart. If everyone has this same mentality then the bathroom stalls can become pretty occupied. How does this help create a healthy atmosphere? You have people feeling sick because they're holding their farts in. They might even be double stressed if they're running around looking for a bathroom. It reminds me of teen comedies where someone slips some sort of laxative in another student's drink and that student is running to the toilet.

Not only does this affect performance at work and school, but it also influences our interactions with one another in these environments. This can also be the reason why some people drive so crazy on the streets. People might be in a rush to get home to relieve themselves. This can cause accidents and stress to other drivers because of the erratic driving behavior.

Further influences of holding farts can be seen in restaurants and other public places where there are service workers. Someone that needs to relieve themselves is obviously under added stress and can lash out to service workers or other patrons at the establishment. The victims of these outbursts won't understand the reasons for these outbursts because no one would want to admit to having to hold a fart. Victims may carry the negativity to someone else.

So you see, we can all get affected by people having to hold farts because if you make one person unhappy, there's a chance they'll make other people unhappy. Bad moods are infectious. There's no need for this, we should be more accepting of farts in society. I have never and I don't think I will ever meet anyone with a positive attitude when they're holding in a fart.

Interpersonal relationships can be strained if one party member needs to hold their flatulence for the duration of their interactions. We often see movies and TV shows talking about not being able to fart when in a relationship or in a meeting with someone important like the other person's parents, bosses, etc. There's always a pressure to make a good impression, but imagine if farting was seen as a socially acceptable act. This would be one less thing to have to worry about. You wouldn't have to worry about what you eat anymore.

I know farting isn't a huge deal since we all do it, but I think that the world might be a little less stressful and happier place to live in if farting wasn't that big of a deal. Think about it next time you get stuck in a situation where you have to hold your fart and don't act like you'll never have to. I hear those stomachs growling...


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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