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When You're Truly in Love

It's obvious.

By Crystal NicolePublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Akshar Dave on Unsplash

Relationships are weird. First, we meet someone that we fall for and many times those relationships don’t always work out. Without knowing it, we have grown from the broken relationships. However, the weirdest part of all of this is that we bring certain things from the past relationships into our new ones. Maybe it’s a movie, television series or even a video game you fell in love with because of a past partner. Sometimes, issues that were caused by the past relationship. Either way, we have grown from it and try to move on.

My life story isn’t much different from anyone else’s. I grew up, got married at a young age, had a baby, got divorced, remarried, divorced once more and then fell in love for what is going to be my final time in a relationship, regardless of how it turns out. I know that this sounds odd and like something a young girl would say after her heart is broken, but that isn't the case. I just decided that this is the last time I will be in a relationship because this is who I plan to spend the rest of my life with. When you have someone who is by your side that much, it makes that type of decision something that isn’t scary and just something that some people decide on.

In my past two marriages, I knew they weren't going to last. There was always that dreadful feeling in the back of my mind, that my heart was going to be broken and I would move on. Which I did pretty well. I can’t answer as to why I decided to get married the past two times when I knew that something wasn’t right.

This decision goes past expecting the worst and hoping for the best. I don’t see this relationship ending, but even if it did I feel that I found the one I want to spend my life with and some people just aren’t that lucky.

I feel like relationships can make you grow, especially when you have been hurt several times in the past. You sort of learn to let the little things go and also learn that laughing is one of the most important things that is involved in a relationship.

See, I met this man who, I just don’t know how to fully describe. He is by my side for everything. I have never had a man actually want to be with me constantly. I have also never been in a relationship where fighting is rare and we can make each other laugh constantly. Who would want to give something like that up?

We may have our bad days, which is almost as rare as a rainbow-colored unicorn. Those days are mostly moments and we can never remember why we were mad at one another, to begin with. It’s one of those feelings that is overwhelming and fun at the same time. I fall in love with him more and more each day and that may be something women and men have both said over and over in many different relationships. It is also true that so many of these relationships end on bad terms, so I know many people reading this are asking “What makes your relationship different from all the others out there?” and truthfully, I can’t answer that. I mean, I spend so much time already thinking about all the things that went wrong in my past relationships and how by now, the relationship would be over and the true colors would be showing. I am just lucky and that is fine by me.

Can things go wrong in this relationship? Anything is possible, but I just don’t see the point in dwelling on what “could” go wrong, when there is nothing to worry about. Why sit around all day being sad over the unknown and the future when I can be happy and just let things go the way they have been and not try to pick a fight over the past when it definitely was not my current fiancé’s fault.

The best I can do is continue to love my life and be happy. Dwelling on the past isn’t good for anyone, especially when you are with someone who is amazing and treats you with respect and dignity, because in the end, all we want is happiness.


About the Creator

Crystal Nicole

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