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You're the Twin To My Flame

Twin Flame Connection

By GracePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

A year and a half ago, you came into my life unexpectedly. I was engaged then and I was very much in love. I had no idea that you and I would ever come to be who we are today. Which may not be much, but let me explain. We push and pull together and then stray away from each other when it gets overwhelming, I can't be mad at you for backing away when I do the same thing. So here is the thing...

Signs of a Twin Flame:

  • You feel a strange, inexplicable sense of “recognition” when you meet the person. It will feel like Déjà Vu
  • You’ve established an immediate, intense connection with them that is invigorating and shocking at the same time
  • You feel as though you’ve finally found a “home” in the other person
  • You balance each other out
  • You feel as if your soul is expanding
  • They make you a better person, and you make them a better person.
  • When together you are both bonded but free, attached but unattached.
  • You are finely tuned to their energy, and they are finely tuned to yours.

These are only a few signs to recognizing your twin flame and it gets very complex, but that is the gist.

You were there through my ups and downs with life and my relationship. You were super chill and you were the best friend I never had. It felt like I had known you forever. At the time I did not think twice about it because I was in love or something of that sort. I hung out with you because you were having a rough day. We were alone, watching the stars on a chilly night talking about everything going on in our lives. We listened to music in your car and the music you played, even with the sound system you put in, couldn't drown out or distract me from what I was feeling. I felt safe, I felt I could trust you even when I barely knew you as a person. The vibration from the subs in the back had only amplified the spark and the desire to be with you again.

The next night, we took a walk down by the canal amongst the stars. Under the stars with you, I felt at home. I never wanted that to end. There was this deep burning desire for you that I couldn't explain and sometimes I still can't without sounding insane. We connected, emotionally, physically and in a weird way, spiritually. Everything in our lives is in synch. I realized something, that this was something that wasn't a crush or love. It was a twin flame. I found MY twin flame, looking into your eyes, I found my soul's other half. I only read about them, I never experienced one. It almost felt as though we were in a movie. You know the movie that makes you feel the connection bounce off each other, that was us. I could tell by the way you were looking at me that you had felt it too. We didn't have much left to say, or at least not anything we wanted to say aloud because whatever it was may or may not have ended up in the back seat of the car. Although the night didn't grow old, we brought it to a close because we were overwhelmed with everything we had felt between us. We said our goodbyes and left without another word. I watched you walk across the bridge until you were just a faint dot moving along the boarded bridge.

The only problem now is letting you go so you can now achieve your higher self while I become my higher self. Maybe in another life, we can become one together. I wouldn't say I love you by any means, but you are the twin to my flame, forever and always.


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Small town freelance blogger. Bringing you relationship and family content.

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